Posted in Core

When You Sing, You Pray Twice: The Power of Music

Son of my maternal predilection, do not let yourself be distracted by things and by human vicissitudes. Remain always close to my Heart in prayer!

I am arranging everything for you as your real Mother: the persons you are to meet, the circumstances in which you find yourself and what you are to do. And so accustom yourself to live trustfully in the present moment which the Father gives you and the Mother prepares for you.

Blue Book #103 a,b

In selecting music, ask yourselves these questions: does the music arouse in you thoughts and emotions that lead you away from God? Does it lead you into an escape from solving your problems? Into a web of forgetfulness of the cross in your daily life? Does it lead you to a dreamy life that cannot be yours? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, it is the wrong music for you. But if it arouses in you a greater understanding of the beauty of God and his creation, and brings you closer to God in any form, then it is good music.

Grace in Every Season (May 7)

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17).

The way to pray always, is to use common, every day activities and circumstances to lead our minds and spirit into communion with God. Music can do just that… or the exact opposite. Hence why we need to choose wisely.