Posted in Core

What We Feed, Grows!

We are told to not live in our minds, and that’s probably a good thing overall. But if we’re going to… we should make it a good place. We sometimes may be given to think that we have no control over our thoughts, but that’s not completely true. We need to be aware that what we feed, grows.

So we need to keep checking ourselves, what are we giving our attention to? That’s how we feed our interior life. There is so much ‘junk food’ out there, trying to keep us mal nourished. I think one of the biggest culprits today is social media … and yes, I absolutely know how great it can be too… but it goes back to choosing correctly what we are going to be exposing our minds and our souls to.

So if we know that ‘junk food’ is bad for us, do we even know what true nourishment looks like?

To me it means truly living a sacramental life of Grace in the present moment. Living in awareness of the needs around us, but knowing where true strength comes from and not getting overwhelmed with the size of the job at hand… just keep persevering in the perfectly imperfect tasks at hand. Always, always, always turning to God, Our Blessed Mother and all the helpers to see us through. Being attentive to the guidance we receive, and allowing that to energize us for the jobs ahead. Being in communion with the entire Body of Christ, including those still here on the job.

Living life fully… the struggles yes, but also the joys. When we begin to live in full attentiveness, then we start noticing how much beauty and love there is still left.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.Philippians 4:8