What my soul needs


I’m trying to live proactively, and not just accept life as it happens. So I sat down and jotted some things down. What do I like? What gives me true pleasure and peace of mind? This might seem a bit too self focused, but at the point where I am in my journey it’s what needs to be done. I need to remember myself…who I was created to be.

Life and other people…often well intentioned…seem to band together to push you down…to keep you ‘in your place’. You need to put up a struggle…the world needs you!

My Soul enrichers

* Frequent reception of the Sacraments in a place that feels authentic.

* A good diet and exercise program that will provide energy and not hurt me (paleo at the moment)

* Intimacy…relationships where I can lay it all out and feel accepted for who I am but yet am challenged to be better…be surrounded by people who are similarly called, where I can both feed and be fed and nurtured…and exchange ideas safely. A setting where I give and receive plenty of words of affirmation and appropriate physical touch.

* To express my creativity…(my photography at the moment.)

* To feel productive and useful.

* To live a simple life in an organized and fairly clean setting.

* Be surrounded by nature and beauty

* Beautiful music and art

* Good books

I’m going to tackle each of these areas individually in future posts, so stay tuned. 😉