Week 3 Day 2: Don't be bothered when others don't treat you right.

Luke 6: 27-31

“To the person who strikes you on one cheek, offer the other one as well, and from the person who takes your cloak, do not withhold even your tunic.”


-God knows my needs and He’s the One in control of every situation.

-If the person is not in tune with Him to offer me the love and respect that I deserve, I need to trust that He will somehow provide it Himself.

-By allowing them to proceed, I am essentially giving them enough rope for them to hang themselves. They have free will.

-So no need to go into defensive mode and lose peace over it or allow them to drag me down with them.

-He’s not saying for me to make it a habit of associating myself with these folks though. In fact, there’s a good chance that once they’ve taken what they want they will flee from my life anyway. I need to let them go! He goes on to say that I shouldn’t even demand back the stuff they take. In other words, no further communication is needed.