Posted in Core

We Are the Church

By your life, which will be, purely and simply, a living Gospel. Today the Gospel of my Son Jesus is believed in less and less, and even in the Church there are some who tend to interpret it in a human and symbolic manner.

You will live out the Gospel to the letter: you will be poor, simple, pure, little and totally given over to the Father.

Blue Book #91 e,f

No matter how much the men and women in office seem to wreck their part of the church’s fabric by their humanness- hence sinfulness and unpleasant personality traits- it does not happen. Christ in their office does not allow the church to be wrecked because of the weakness of the persons who represent him.

Grace in Every Season (April 28)

It’s easy to look outwards and point fingers, but not so easy to constantly live out the faith ourselves. Yet, this is how we will turn things around.

We are not blind, we know the horrible things going on and it breaks our hearts.

But we can from this moment on be part of the solution. Just be who God created us to be… a living Gospel…leave the rest to Him.