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two dolls, two women

my daughter has two dolls that bring two very special women together. One had been given to my mom by my sisters (you have to know my family for this to make sense…lol). As soon as my mom got it, she named it ‘Luisinha’…after her niece. I had kept it after my mom passed away, and many years later when I had my daughter and she was old enough to play with it, it became hers. The other was a special gift from my sweet cousin, the original Luisinha. It had been a gift from my mom to her when she was a little girl…and having no little girls of her own, she thought my daughter would like it. We asked Luisa at the time what her doll’s name was, but she had never named her…hmmm. Well it’s been a while since the receipt of this special gift. Today, my daughter comes to me and tells me that she finally has a name for her doll. Guess what she named it? Ha. I gotta tell you that she knew nothing of this whole connection that I’m describing here. So are you ready? She named her ‘Maria’…my mom’s name. So now, Maria and Luisinha, stand side by side entertaining my daughter and bringing her great pleasure.