Posted in Core

Trusting Him Through Our Struggles

The process of living more and more as part of the Body of Christ, entails a lot of dying to self. Only when we can see beyond whatever our current personal situation or struggle is… whether physical, mental or spiritual… can we truly live as one because it is then that we “see and think only according to the Heart of…Jesus”.

This doesn’t mean that we’ll only achieve holiness when we are ‘healed’ as some may claim, which can result in a lot of ‘Christian façade’ .… but God wants real… and in that raw, messy, realness, as we step out in trust and faith, a kernel of our sanctification is planted.

I think this is where the enemy does his most to convince us of the opposite. That our struggles are not only meaningless but are shameful and only those that seemingly have their act together are worthy.

Today, I offer my prayers for anyone who is struggling in one way or another, may they come to know the loving mercy of God.