Posted in Core

Trust in Divine Providence

When we become self focused it can cause so much anxiety and emotional dis-regulation. We weren’t designed to function that way, yes, we are to have a certain amount of self love in order to care for our bodies, which are the temple of the Holy Spirit within us… hence why certain boundaries are in place… gluttony for example, it is a sin because it not only draws our focus away from God but it can hurt our bodies as well.

But once that minimum has been attained, we are then given the grace and the strength to serve others. Not only physically, but spiritually also. Then we are to live assured of God’s Providence. Not that we’ll have everything we desire at any given moment, but that He’ll never leave us and knows our needs intimately, even better than we do, and will provide for those. Even if we temporarily must endure the cross, resurrection always follows if we persevere.

And speaking of Divine Providence we can’t forget the most perfect way that God provides for us, giving Himself to us in the Eucharist!

Today, May 13 along with being the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima, it is also the feast day of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament .