Arise and Go!” Those three little words mean you cannot lie down on your job. You must stand up! And, standing up, you cannot remain still, except in your soul; you must be about his business. You should be both active and contemplative, both Martha and Mary. Make no mistake; the stillness of Mary is an even bigger “action” than the action of Martha. It is important to be before the Lord, and then to do for him; we are to be contemplatives in action. And so your life is a constant “arising, and a constant going Both actions are concerning your Father’s business and that of your tremendous Lover, Jesus Christ.
Grace in Every Season (February 4)
I tried to teach my kids from an early age about how we are to ‘pray and obey’… but what does that actually mean? It means that we first go to Him in prayer and receive enlightenment on what we need to do about the situation that we have brought before Him.
However much of our ‘doing’ doesn’t require this type of ‘marching orders’ or divine enlightenment … once we get used to living a life of prayer, not just saying our prayers, we start to get a sense of the Father’s Will. I know that if I have dishes in the sink and there are no other urgent situations, then those need to be tackled first, because that’s how I serve my family.
So I start with the ordinary… what around me needs doing. Then I tackle ‘pain points’… what needs do I see within my circle of influence that I can do something about. You can’t really intrude into other peoples lives without being invited in though ( not even those closest to you, unfortunately), think of how God acts in our own lives. But be there, and make them aware of your love.
Also check in on your own ‘pain points’, what’s something that you have been praying about in your own life, maybe a health issue, or financial issue… don’t just ask for the Lord to take the problem away ask what steps you can take… are there any sins in your life that have lead to this painful situation? You’ll be amazed at what He’ll show you.
Then be ready to ‘suffer’ because letting go of our own will, can be very painful for a while. But this is embracing our cross, and helping others with theirs. This is how we bring Jesus back into the world, people aren’t so ready to listen to words anymore… there’s too much of that out there already. But this… works of faith… it’s so needed.