The Wedding Feast of Heaven


Now from the heavens descending
is seen a glorious light,
the bride of Christ in splendour,
arrayed in purest white.
She is the holy city,
whose radiance is the grace
of all the saints in glory,
from every time and place.

This is the hour of gladness
for bridegroom and for bride.
The Lamb’s great feast is ready,
his bride is at his side.
How blest are those invited
to share his wedding feast:
the least become the greatest,
the greatest are the least.

He who is throned in heaven
takes up his dwelling place
among his chosen people,
who see him face to face.
No sound is heard of weeping,
for pain and sorrow cease,
and sin shall reign no longer,
but love and joy and peace.

See how a new creation
is brought at last to birth,
a new and glorious heaven,
a new and glorious earth.
Death’s power for ever broken,
its empire swept away,
the promised dawn of glory
begins its endless day

via iBreviary.