Posted in Core

The Mass: Food for the Journey

You are here in this place where my Son Jesus resides, and where I also am present…

Why have I wanted you up here?

To help you climb your cross, my little one. I will give you great gifts of love and of pain.

Blue Book #78 b-d

The Mass is the food that will keep us on the treadmill of those gray days, chained without chains to the duty of the moment, for love is not a chain.

Infinite is the grace and strength of participation in the Mass. Daily at the dismissal-_ “Go in peace, the Mass is ended”_ we are reminded that the mandate of the Lord is to live his Mass, ours, in the marketplaces of the world! How could we implement this mandate unless he himself was our strength? Has Christ not said, “Without me you can do nothing”? How lavishly he gives us this strength in the Mass giving us himself–the bread of the saints.

Grace in Every Season (April 18)

Great gifts for the journey… but wait… of love and of PAIN? How is pain a gift you might ask. Well, one way is in how it illuminates us to our own sins, errors and attachments.

Sometimes we can drift off so slowly and calmly that it’s barely noticeable until our awareness is brought to it. It’s painful to realize what has happened… but no one can deny that awareness even if painful, is a good thing.

So also the different pain points in our lives. It brings attention to areas that we might have allowed to just drift.

This is where frequent Mass participation comes in, we offer up, and unite these sufferings to His on the Cross and we partake of the Sacraments that bestow grace for true healing and strength to now do as we should… live in love and obedience! It helps us to stop drifting.