While the world goes completely psychotic with potential crashes in the stock market, Isis looking to annihilate us, Planned Parenthood dismembering babies and selling them off piece by piece and everyone looking the other way while our government funds them…things seem dire indeed. So we have three options available to us. 1) which seems to be the flavor du jour, just ignore it all…go party, go get drunk, go have an affair…whatever makes you happy at the moment because life is short and that’s all that matters.
Meanwhile some that actually have a conscience can’t seem to do that so they embrace option #2) they go hog wire bat shit crazy, the sky is falling, the sky is falling is their battle cry. But in actuality as Christians we aren’t meant to be fear mongers but faith and grace mongers.
Which brings us to the final option. #3) the path of grace! We are to observe ALL that is happening around us and within us and then through prayer and guidance, we are to set out to correct it. We are to ‘step into’ God’s grace. No fear needed!!! Just do it, even imperfectly. The problem is when we get stuck on options 1 and 2, I’m not saying we can’t enjoy God’s abundant provision, or even go a little crazy as we’re first discovering the work He has for us, we just can’t get stuck there…it becomes a diversion straight from the pits of hell to keep us from doing the work we were meant to do.