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Stepping Into the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart

After a great upheaval and the purification of the earth, my Immaculate Heart will sing of its victory in the greatest triumph of God.

It is for this moment, my beloved priests, that I have called you one by one from all parts of the world and have made you ready.

Blue Book #72 n, o

Now the world lives in the resurrected Christ. Whether men and women know it or not, the world has changed; it and the cosmos are now living, existing in the Lord of history, of eternity, of time, and of love. And not only the church is on pilgrimage toward the Parousia, the Second Coming, but so are all men and women and all the world, and all that surrounds God’s world.

Grace in Every Season (April 11)

I often hear people getting hanged up on when this will all happen. That this smells of Millennialism, which the Catholic Church rejects.

Personally, I choose to see it as my own journey. That when I opt to unite myself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and allow her to help me unite more intensely with her Son… then I’m living and breathing the Triumph. That even though I most likely won’t fully experience it on this side of heaven, I can have a taste of it right now! It’s called, living in Grace! This is why Jesus left us His church and Sacraments.

‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’. Is not just a longing prayer for some unknown future time. We can make it happen right this minute. By constantly uniting ourselves with His Divine Will.