Stepping into it…

img_0016I need a brand new start. I like the idea of blogging, it allows me to coordinate my thoughts and organize my steps. It also allows me to share a little bit of myself  and my journey with others who may be on a similar path.

My latest struggles have been with my health but I now have new doctors and new hope. So even though I’m far from where I’d like to be (in fact this weekend has been an all time low for me.)…I think I’m finally on my way.

We’ve found out that my thyroid is low and if you are one of the many suffering with hypothyroidism, you know how debilitating this in itself can be. But it’s now looking like my adrenals are in a state of exhaustion also. This usually comes about after several huge stressor events. Hmm lets see…both parents passing away after lengthy illnesses, dealing with infertility issues, and then the adoption process(twice). A child critically ill in the hospital for several weeks and then a diagnoses of autism (all within one decade)…and those are just the tip of the iceberg. So I think yes, my adrenals could very well be completely depleted by this point. I went into survival mode at some point and haven’t quite made it back out yet.

But I’m ready…I’m taking my life back! I’ve tried several times, but without healing the root causes, I kept falling back into a pit. It’s humbling for sure. I think things will be different this time around. For starters I’m putting together an amazing team of both professionals and friends to see me through.  So thanks for reading this far and please pray for me and stick around and see how this all turns out.



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