Posted in Core

Spiritual Joy in the Valley

(8:30 am) MMP ‘Blue Book’ #12 a … “it must be made known how much I have loved you, and what great things I have worked in you.”

It’s been a little while since I’ve posted here, not sure if anyone will even be reading it and that’s ok… I don’t think that’s even the point… just a way for me to arrive at self knowledge and to the realization of how truly and deeply I am loved by the Father. Been in a slight haze for a little bit, and this will be live commentary as I continue to struggle and not a ‘mountain top view’ by any means … I’m sure I’ll elaborate more as I go forward. However, if someone else does happen to read this and it inspires them on their own journey then what a true blessing. So please let me know, and I can keep you in my prayers. My plan is to pop in here several times throughout the day in a journal like format and update it… so I’m thinking a daily post but with several updates. We’ll see. 🙏❤️

11:30 am

Resist the devil and He will flee from you.

There are many ways that the devil can pursue us, often riding piggy back on our human illnesses, frailties and weaknesses. One thing to keep in mind is that he is a liar and always looking to kill and destroy our union with God… but always manipulating things to make it sound reasonable. So how do we resist him? We start by knowing the voice of our Shepherd so well that it leaves us with no doubt as to what is happening. Then pretty much doing the exact opposite. Cleave to God even more fervently… pray and obey… even tiny steps can go far with our Lord by our side.


If thy joy is produced by the Holy Ghost, it must resemble that of God; for it proceeds from the same principle… Such is the joy of the righteous; it returns all to God, as all that he has and possesses bears an essential relation to God. All his comfort is to be well with Him; all his joy to satisfy Him; all his pleasure to please Him; and when he is called to serve Him and do His will, he applies himself to it gladly, he runs, he flies, he thinks nothing difficult.”

Fr. Jacques Nouet (d. 1680)

This gladness and joy is not of the same ilk as earthly happiness. It is enduring and not dependent on circumstances … including emotional upheavals. There are many saints who have struggled with depression as you’ll be able to read about in the link below. The thing we must keep in mind is how very much we are loved by our Heavenly Father.

Saints who struggled with depression