When we are silent and recollected, we are mysteriously visited. That is the moment when Christ reveals himself to us. And then he tells us about himself, his Father, and the Holy Spirit. Then we receive our knowledge from God himself because we have broken our heart open, and we have interiorized ourselves. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit have entered into us, and dwell there. And we have prostrated ourselves before the Trinitarian God that dwells within us. In recollection, we listen, and God comes. And that is when we can begin to be a person of peace.
As Matthew 12:36-37 says, we shall be judged by our words. Lent is a time when we must think about what God’s words in the Bible say. And out of this thinking, we must speak words of ten-derness, love, pity, compassion, and gentleness, because we are men and women of faith; we are Christians.
Grace in Every Season (March 8)
I felt called to start writing down my morning reflections a while back when I restarted the Blue Book. Blogging is simply my way of doing this in a more organized fashion, where I can look things up later if need be. If in the process those few that come across these writings and are on the same learning path as myself, get anything from it, that’s frosting on the cake.
These insights that I receive each morning are simply my own ‘marching orders’, my lesson for the day that gets more developed as the day progresses and I stay focused on it. So I don’t just publish this and forget about it, I stay attentive to God’s promptings in this specific area. And thereby, my day comes alive!