Christ comes to us, therefore, in such tremendous simplicity of love that our breath should be taken away. He comes to us in the guise of a priest!
So then, approach a priest with the understanding that he has God in him in a special manner through his ordination. Approach him as you would approach Christ.
Grace in Every Season (March 9)
Satan attacks that which is the most precious to God…always has, always will. With that being said, God can use it all for His purposes. The priesthood has undergone severe attacks and crucifixion… it is now time for a resurrection.
We need a purified priesthood now more than ever! A remnant of holy men who are unafraid of the cross, zealous for souls, able to hear God’s voice and eager to do His will, and as a true father will have a heart for serving and protecting those who have been entrusted to them. It will be through these men, in persona Christi, that the church will be saved!