Posted in Core

Resurrection After Our Daily Crosses

I have come down from heaven to make of you, sons consecrated to my Heart, my heaven on earth. In you my light is reflected. Thus through you many souls will again be drawn by my candor, and they will spread the perfume of my virtue.

Blue Book #92 g

It is up to us to form a community of love, a family. We do so by silently preaching the Gospel with our lives, without compromise. We do so through the childlikeness of Bethlehem; through the hidden life of Nazareth in “small things done well’ for love of God–and through the kenosis, or self-emptying, that leads us to Golgotha. We do all this so that Christ may live in us- and in our neighbors.

Grace in Every Season (April 30)

It can be horrifying to see what is happening around us, I live in a Boston suburb, and without going into too much detail so as to not give the enemy any more attention than he deserves, what he is attempting is on full display. But guess what.. so is what God is doing. What are we choosing to focus on?

My advice to others at times like these is always the same regardless of the methods the enemy uses. Stay in a state of grace via the Sacraments… and pray and obey! Live so fully in God’s will that He will fight the battles for you.

The follow up question that I often get is ‘how do you know what God’s will is?’ Well, it depends on our state in life… if we are married with children, then those are our first priority. Look to your commitments and responsibilities in life… do those with great attention and love. It doesn’t have to be perfect according to worldly standards. These aren’t Pinterest or Instagram approved moments mostly … just ordinary, grace-filled ones that break through from what you may deem as drudgery and often even heart break. Resurrection moments after carrying our crosses with Him.