Posted in Core

Receiving Healing Through the Sacraments

One can be very whole physically but very sick spiritually. Do we have recourse to God when this happens to us? What kind of sacrament do we use? There is the Sacrament of the Sick. There is the Sacrament of Reconciliation, in which two arms are open to embrace us; two lips are ready to kiss our lips, for the Russians believe confession is the kiss of Christ. There is the Sacrament of the Eucharist- the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ. But in order to enter into the mystery of the sacraments one has to be converted, one has to be changed, turned around to face God–instead of turning one’s back to God.

Grace in Every Season (April 22)

This complete offering of yours is the only thing I ask of you, my sons: the offering of yourselves with your limitations, your weaknesses and your inabilities.

Blue Book #84 f

We have not been abandoned, our Heavenly Father has provided for our every need, in incredible ways through His Church!

But in order to receive what He is wanting to give us, we must humbly acknowledge our need and be willing to put ourselves at His disposal.

One crucial way to do this is through frequent Confession. Where venial sins can be addressed before they take root.