Posted in Core

Reaching Others Through Our Prayers

The triumph of my Immaculate Heart will be realized through a new birth of Jesus in the hearts and the souls of my poor wandering children.

Blue Book #89o

It is important to pray that the Holy Spirit give you particular insights about individuals, for no two people are alike. To think about each person, to pray about each, to plan for each who is your responsibility (short-range and long-range), all this may be part of your job at home or at work.

Grace in Every Season (April 26)

I often get asked to pray for people and I happily do it, I feel that it’s part of my calling. My favorite time for this is during my 3 o’clock in the afternoon prayer time, It’s during this especially allocated time that I also like to offer up my daily pains and struggles for others, especially families.

But with that said, it saddens me that I’ve never thought to ask the Holy Spirit about how I can personally be used to reach each person I pray for. This gives me a new perspective on prayer.

Lord intervene in the lives of my family and friends and use me if You so desire! Amen!