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Professional Friend


I finally decided to get myself a professional friend…you know…someone that I can meet with regularly, let it all out, I can cry on her shoulder, tell her my darkest secrets and she won’t judge me, will offer wonderful suggestions on how to get my life in order…and she won’t leave me until I’m ready to move on. Ok…so you all probably call this person a ‘therapist’, but whatevah!!! πŸ˜‰

I finally came to the realization of how much I need this person right now. Struggling with special needs homeschooling, along with still dealing with the deep wounds of having lost loved ones and a myriad of other issues leaves me quite frankly, in a heap these days…and let’s not forget the hormonal wonders that is menopause. God help me!!!

Previous attempts have gone horribly wrong, at first I thought what I needed was a spiritual director…but since it wasn’t happening after several tries I had to concede that perhaps God’s will was elsewhere. I tried confiding in friends, again…horribly wrong…I’m a very sensitive soul…way more intense then the average person can sanely deal with. But then a little burst of inspiration lead me in the right direction. Just had my third visit yesterday and so far so good. Not perfect…but good enough for me to make some progress…so I have to give it a chance. So stay tuned…as ‘step into’ this thing called life. πŸ˜‰