Posted in Core

Pray for Our Priests

Satan is maneuvering more and more openly in my Church. He has now associated many of my priest-sons with himself, deluding them with the false mirage that Marxism proposes to all: exclusive interest in the poor, a Christianity engaged solely in the building up of a more equitable human society, a Church which would be more evangelical and therefore disengaged from its hierarchical institutions.

Blue Book #90h

God did not build his church on angels, but on human, sinful, weak, frightened men who loved him, and, slowly cooperating with his grace, became what they should have been. Therefore we who are still directed by weak men must understand that we need to look beyond the person to the office each holds. That office is Christ. Because Christ is in the church, he is in every office, from the pope down to the local parish priest. Otherwise, there would be no church.

Grace in Every Season (April 27)

We need to pray for our priests and entire hierarchy, they are fighting a battle that few can comprehend. The fight is intense because their potential power is intense… if Satan can somehow make you lose a sense of your gifts to the Kingdom of God, then he has handed a deep blow to humanity.

I just watched Nefarious this week. Stop reading right here, if you don’t want any details.

At one point a priest is called in, the demon starts to recoil at simply seeing him. Then this weak man in the office of the priesthood not knowing the power that he’s been entrusted with, denies that demons even exist. The demon enjoys that very much and goes on doing his thing. It’s truly heartbreaking for a faithful Catholic to watch… because we know the truth behind it.

We don’t need more psychiatrists, and sociologists in the priesthood, we just need priests who truly believe. Let’s pray!