Posted in Core

Persecutions Will Happen But There’s an Answer

You also will be persecuted: the time will come when you will be the only light left burning, and thus, through your fidelity to the Gospel and your sufferings, you will be able to point out the way of salvation to a vast number of souls. And through my intervention, this light of yours will never be completely extinguished.

Blue Book #67 n

When doubts assail you like a thousand flies buzzing in your ears and heart and mind and all around you, think about it. As a child, he was obedient to his parents, and later obedient unto death to his Father in heaven.

Grace in Every Season (April 1)

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.” 1 Peter 4:12

The assailments of the enemy never stop. And even though we are cautioned to not be surprised by it, when it happens it does take us by surprise every single time.

What to do? Go full throttle obedient! That’s how Jesus overcame the enemy on our behalf… and that’s what we are called to also.