“And the Law came in that the transgression might increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” -Romans 5:20
In yesterday’s readings, the Lord was relaying our mission to us, that each of us were being called into His fold (the Community of Saints) because there was work to be done NOW! This persistence that the time is Now, continues today.
On Day 13 of 33Days to Merciful Love it says…
“God wants to work some of his greatest miracles of mercy in the whole history of the church today. In other words, right now, he wants to take some of the littlest of souls and make them into some of the greatest of saints.”
Speaking of the littlest of souls. In a previous post, An Invitation to the Neurodivergent Among Us, we see how this large group of people… and it is large… (many of us were born this way, but this dopamine driven society we live in is increasing our numbers even more…to the point where most people would probably claim to be a little ADHD)…are struggling so much in this world, in so many ways.
From a spiritual perspective, the negative side of being distracted, is we get our focus taken away from who we are and what we are meant to be doing. Sounds downright diabolical to me. However the good news, is that in God’s Mercy, He can use our littleness.
On Day 4 of “You Shall Not Want”, we read…
“Incline my heart away from any evil, from busying myself with wicked deeds in the company of evildoers.”
We may claim we’re not out here doing evil works… but there are only two sides in this battle. If we aren’t doing God’s work… then we are most definitely working for the other guy…the one that wants us distracted, addicted, depressed and feeling worthless. I don’t know about you, but I want nothing to do with him. Yet every time we self medicate and rush to get another artificial dopamine hit. It’s the other guy we’re turning to.
So what to do?
#114c (Blue Book)
“Cast everything into the burning furnace of his Heart, and everything will be burned up in his merciful love: your sins, your weaknesses, your defects.”
The best way to accomplish this is first of all through the Sacraments, most especially Confession and the Eucharist. Then be attentive… pray and obey. What is He asking of you?
I may have mentioned before how I love doing consecration preps. My adhd mind needs the organized focused time to pull my thoughts in. And then each prep journey becomes a very particular stepping stone on the path of His design.
I’ll end today’s reflection with the words from ‘Merciful Love’.
“I want us to see our present preparation for making an offering to Merciful Love, not as an exercise in learning spiritual theology, but rather as a response to God‘s gift of mercy in this time of mercy. I want us to see our preparation to consecrate ourselves to Divine Mercy as a way of letting God work a great miracle of mercy in us and for our time.“