Posted in Core

Never Alone: The Body of Christ

Never, even for an instant, feel yourselves alone and without me. Sons consecrated to my Heart, I am your Mother who today gives you the gift of her habitual presence at the side of each one of you.

Blue Book #73 o

How clearly the early Christians understood that each Sunday was a “little Easter,” that each was a Parousia, which means the Second Coming of Christ, for in each Sunday Mass Christ comes again in the Eucharist.

Grace in Every Season (April 12)

It’s so easy for some of us to slip into feeling alone, rejected, despised. That’s not from God and we need to do everything in our power to fight it according to God’s Will, or it will drag us into a pit.

Jesus knowing full well that the enemy would tempt us in this manner, left us Himself in the Eucharist, and the entire Body of Christ to keep us company and to see us through this vale of tears.

Our part? We need to reach out when we can, or merely accept the invitation when it’s being extended to us.