My Triumph and That of My Children


You must return today to simplicity, to humility, to the confidence of little children, in order to see God. For this, I myself am preparing this cohort: my priests, whom I will cause to become littler, ever littler, so that they may be filled with the light and the love of God.


Catechism of the Catholic Church:

2546 “Blessed are the poor in spirit.”338 The Beatitudes reveal an order of happiness and grace, of beauty and peace. Jesus celebrates the joy of the poor, to whom the Kingdom already belongs:339

The Word speaks of voluntary humility as “poverty in spirit”; the Apostle gives an example of God’s poverty when he says: “For your sakes he became poor.”340 



Here’s an article I wrote back in 2015. I’m constantly amazed at God’s divine plan and how it develops. I wish I had attached the FI teaching that I mentioned. 🙂


Step 1:Humility and the White Ladder