Living Within the Sweetness of the Immaculate Heart

You will have to suffer more, but courage! I will always be with you, and you will delight as no one else in the sweetness of my motherly Heart.”

Blue Book # 3d

The duty of the moment done for God is glamorous, exciting, wondrous- if only we can see it for what it truly is! But we are human. And it takes a long time, my dearly beloved ones, to see reality through God’s eyes. Unless we pray exceedingly hard, it takes a long time. But -with prayer we see an entirely different world about us! Sorting clothes becomes a joy. Washing dishes becomes an exciting challenge. Careful, repetitious tasks of creating take on new meaning.

Grace in Every Season (January 17)

As we all prayerfully and patiently wait for the ‘Triumph of the Immaculate Heart’ in the world, we can ourselves be ‘stepping into it’, right here and right now and be experiencing small glimpses of it on a daily basis.

As Catholics we are called to live out the Sacraments that we are regularly receiving, and fully live a life of prayer… not just by words that we recite, but by being authentically who we are called to be at each moment.