Posted in Core

Living Out Divine Mercy

In times of anguish, how comforting for the Heart of my Son was this nature, prostrate, as it were, at his feet: the sun with its light, the charming countryside of Galilee with its flowers, with its songs with its warm and golden harvest and the lovely mirror of the great lake.

Everything spoke in harmony, as it were, with the great prayer of my Son Jesus, with his ardent thirst for solitude, with his natural desire of living in the company of his Father.

How many today, on these same shores, live forgetful of God, submerged in a new paganism, and offend Him, ungrateful for this great gift of his.

But here, in these same places, many of my little children love and console Him.

Your presence, my son, should be like an act of reparation. It must therefore be a presence of love and of prayer, a presence of life with me.

Blue Book #75 f-j

We must be Christians who “work out” day by day, hour by hour, the life of Christ from Bethlehem to Gethsemane and the resurrection. All this adds up simply to one little word. We must love.

We must love with our burden of emotions, of miseries, of doubts, confusions, and temptations, because they are the door through which we are going to the Parousia. The door is cruciform, true, but it is bearable if we have the faith that is necessary to accept it as lived this very moment, this very day, in the resurrected Christ.

He is the Christ who is with us at our computers, our laundry, our meals, our darknesses and lights, our little hurts and our big days. It is “with him, in him, and through him” that we are going to know the elusive happiness which escapes all those who do not believe in him.

Grace in Every Season (April 16)

Today is Divine Mercy Sunday, a day set aside for us to receive all that Jesus died to give to us. What He did, He did for all … but we need to be willing to accept it. That’s our part in this great cooperation with Heaven!

In order to receive the great promises of Divine Mercy, we merely need to Confess our sins and receive Holy Communion. Such simple steps for such a life giving gift.

Your presence, my son, should be like an act of reparation. It must therefore be a presence of love and of prayer, a presence of life with me.

Once we have a clean slate and Jesus abiding within us, we are invited to live this great harmony of heaven and earth, very similar to what our first parents experienced living in God’s presence.