Live Trust

Come Holy Spirit, fire of Mercy, help me to recognize my own lowliness and to rejoice in God’s Mercy.”

This is was the closing prayer for day 8 of “33 Days to Merciful Love”.

I love doing consecration preps, it’s a focused time with the Lord, a pilgrimage if you will…where I’m lead deeper and deeper into the Father’s Will. I’m given the opportunity to look at my life and take inventory of where I’m at, and where I need to be.

The lessons keep coming in, sometimes just reiterating a previous point, but other times giving me new ways of seeing things. On day 6 of this same consecration was such a time. Fr. Michael Gaitley writes about a discussion with another priest and being asked “And how do you live trust? What’s its concrete expression in your daily living?” He claims to have been stumped and that the other priest’s response changed his life. And I kind of think it has mine as well. His answer was. “The way you live trust is by praise and thanksgiving, to praise and thank God in all things. That’s what the Lord said to St. Faustina.”

This is of course not a new concept, and it’s one that the Lord has been working on me about for quite some time. But this time it feels like it really cemented the concept in my mind. That this gratitude for ‘all things’, is not merely what is happening at this moment…which I’ve been getting better at.. actually thanking Him for all that came my way, knowing that if He allowed it, then it could serve a greater purpose…sometimes that thank you would come through tears and pursed lips…but I did mange it in most cases. But it’s also about where I’ve been, and what has lead me to where I am now. God has never been far from me, even when I wasn’t paying attention. It’s also about all the things that make me, me… my temperament, and abilities, or lack thereof, my desires, and the things that bring me joy or perhaps trap me in temptation.

I decided to name this new phase of this old blog, walk in trust‘ The daily grind of an ADHD contemplative, in her 6th decade of this pilgrimage called life. It’s more personal than what I’ve attempted before. It certainly won’t be to everyone’s liking…it’s my walk…it’ll be about the lessons I’m learning. About the mundane aspects of living out my faith, and some silly ones…I like clothes, and makeup and just plain being girly (yes even at 61), so we may see some of that. And like my headline says…I’m an ADHD contemplative…ummm…contradictory you think? Well that’s part of what makes me, me. 😀 So stay tuned…