Then work, recreation, and the rest will fall into their proper places, and what we do, we will do for God. Eat, sleep, and whatsoever you do, do for the glory of God, says St. Paul (1 Cor10:31). We will, if we keep straight the two things that go into the service of the Lord the being before God and the doing for God.
Grace in Every Season (January 22)
There seems to be a thought in some secular circles that if you are fixated on Jesus, then you should have become a nun, or a priest if you are a guy. But the thing is that we are all all part of the Body of Christ and all very much needed exactly where God put us. Priests and Sisters have a very specific and important assigned mission, but so have moms and dads and other regular folks out there. We are the ‘ministers’ to a great many who will never enter a church without our inspiration.
This message came strongly to me a few months ago when I attended a Fr. Ripperger conference in New Hampshire. Seated on the front row of beautiful St. Marie’s church,were several sisters fully decked out in their holy habits… they looked so peaceful and joyful and my own heart longed for it. As my eyes filled with tears I went right into prayer ‘Lord why didn’t you allow this for me’. His answer came swiftly “I have you exactly where I need you”. Alrighty then…
The Holy Spirit helps us with this Divine Mission, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our hearts will be set on fire, and we will be filled with zeal for souls. As we look to do only His will, our own earthly needs will be met by Him. We can set worry and anxiety aside and rest in Him.