Live Intentionally

Your life is so precious, son, that you must not waste it even for an instant.

Blue Book 13a

One of the things I thought about last night was television. TV is an insidious influence which, if allowed to run freely, becomes a hypnotizing thing that wastes time. It militates against using that time to better advantage, such as doing something more worthwhile that would help to promote the family spirit.

Grace in Every Season (January 24)

Both the Blue Book earlier on, and now Grace in Every Season, mention the negative effects of television… which I have no doubt… but has gotten so much worse than when these words were first written, and now we can add YouTube and social media, to the pile of time suckers and it promises to get even worse as time goes on with the likes of Metaverse and other attractions yet to be released.

Here’s a link to a previous blog post about the dangers of social media.

It’s not that we are not allowed to have down time while pursuing a life of holiness, it’s that our entire life needs to be lived more intentionally. I’m personally very bad at this.

I’m thinking that along with having a to do list for daily chores, I need to create a list of things to do for recreation as well, for alone time and for family time.

Off the top of my head I can think of a few things that I’d like to get back to but haven’t had time. Doing more landscape photography, knitting and crocheting … any handy craft really. Or just sit by the ocean with a cup of coffee.

What are somethings that you’ve been wanting to do? Do them now!!!