Posted in Core

Let there be Light

The fourth sign of the presence of the Holy Ghost is an abundance of light, which He pours into our understanding, to make it capable Of everlasting Truth.” Fr. Jacques Nouet

This light lives in us but it needs to be stirred and fed often… ha… it just brought to mind my sour dough starter… sorry… anyway… God is a polite God and doesn’t just barge in uninvited. We must do our part.

Christianity is a beautiful marriage of the Divine with humanity… giving birth to Christ, the Third person of the Trinity. This is why in Catholicism and in my own life, Marian devotion is so important. She’s not the Savior… but her yes, brought the Savior and all the graces that He came to bring down to us. She’s the Mother of Christ and as such, is the Mother of all who are united to Him… the Church.

So what does this mean for us… well… we are to not only be other Christs on earth… the hands and feet of Jesus… but another Mary. She is the perfect prototype of what each of us are called to be, abiding in total uniformity with the will of God as obedient daughter of the Father, docile spouse of the Holy Spirit, and loving mother of the Son. Although Jesus only became incarnate the once… as we unite ourselves to God and welcome the Light of the Holy Spirit into our lives, then, not only are we ourselves brought to life but we also get the opportunity to bring Christ into this darkened world, that is in such dire need of Him. This is our one, true vocation.

Recognize, therefore, how essential my light is within you.Without my light you are walking blindly, ignorant of vice and the evil that follows it, ignorant of me and the life-giving virtues that I bring to you. You walk ignorant of your own dignity.” (Set Aside Every Fear ~ Catherine of Siena)

St. Irenaeus tells us that “the glory of God is man fully alive.

This Light is what gives life to our soul… the more ‘light’ the more alive we are… filled with God’s grace, well prepared to hear His call and strengthened to obey it.

O how useful, how necessary is this light! so useful, that all our happiness depends upon it; so necessary, that its loss or diminution is the principle of our reprobation.” ~Fr. Jacques Nouet

Living with this ignorance, living without My light, is the cause of all evil.” ~Set Aside Every Fear (Catherine of Siena)

MMP Blue book #14a “Night has now fallen upon the world, my son. This is the time of darkness, Satan’s hour; this is the time of his greatest triumph.”

The darkness is real, wishing it were otherwise won’t change things. We’re reminded of this every time we turn on the television, scroll through social media or otherwise interact with those who have been wounded by Satan’s daggers… the casualties of sin are immense.

But it’s not the end of the story…

#14b (Blue Book) “How I have accepted with great appreciation your prayer and your suffering offered in reparation for the great outrage, the most horrible blasphemy that has been directed against my Son…