Lean not on your own understanding

Rely not on your wealth;
say not: “I have the power.”
Rely not on your strength
in following the desires of your heart.
via USCCB | NAB – February 24, 2011.

Hehehe…it’s funny how we may know something but still try to sneak our own will in and then we get caught.

Ok…here’s one…it’s kind of funny…but lesson learned. God has blessed me with wonderful people in my Carmelite group that are leading me closer to the Lord. They have encouraged me to start attending daily Mass again and are praying for me. You know who you are and I love you dearly. So anyway…yesterday was my first day back. I felt the Lord asking me to sit in the front row. But being a creature of habit, I went to sit in my usual second row seat…I used the excuse that I wasn’t really sure that it was the Lord afterall…maybe it was just my mind playing with me…no need to follow through on this one little detail. Ha.  I had gotten there early enough to do my morning prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours and so I had my pick of seats.

Then a few minutes before Mass started an older couple came and sat right behind me. I heard the husband who must be hard of hearing, say in a loud whisper to the wife…so we didn’t get our seat…lol.  I, in my ‘tiny’ disobedience had sat in ‘their’ seat.  I’m telling you, this man ‘irked’ me all through Mass  (blush) by responding way too fast ahead of the congregation…then at Communion time, he touches me in the shoulder and ushers me forward (yikes…I was just waiting for Father to actually get up front…lol…I hope you are laughing along with me here and not judging me too badly for my irritation.) Ok…so this morning, I say to myself…I’m going to love this couple…I’m going to reliquish my second row seat for them and sit in the third row instead (yep…the first row thing escaped me totally).  Guess what they did? LOL…they.sat.behind.me.again. (so now instead of being in their beloved second row they are now sitting in the fourth row)LOL. The husband then comments to the wife …aren’t we in the wrong seats? LOL…she says no…that’s it’s better for his hearing if he sits there.  Oh my goodness…I hope this blog is really as unpopular as I’m convinced it is…lol. Now I’m beginning to think what the hey…lol. Then full conviction sets in. Sheesh…if only I had sat in the front row!