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Just a Choice…

IMG_2496Imagine for a moment that you were given a precious little puppy as a well meaning gift (from God Himself). He is absolutely adorable, with big wide eyes and filled with so much energy and a beating heart filled with so much love to give. You however, are not ready to be a care giver for a puppy. You live in a small apartment, you work late hours…the reasons are multiple and varied and very, very personal to you. So you make the gut wrenching decision to take him down to the nearest clinic and have him put to sleep. You somehow managed to convince yourself that this really is the best thing not only for yourself but for the puppy also. I mean…what kind of life could he possible have. You want the very best for him of course. Your friends will not tell you differently…even if they think differently…they don’t want to upset you further and want to be ‘supportive’ of whatever choice you make.

Here’s what they are keeping from you. There’s a couple just down the street who have two children and they would just LOVE that extra addition to their family. There is another woman sitting in her home across town just yearning  to give all her love to a new puppy. Your puppy can indeed have a wonderful life without you…but it IS your choice.

It is your choice because this country has somehow managed to be ok with the senseless killing of innocent, perfectly healthy puppies…so you wouldn’t be breaking this country’s laws. (however moral laws are quite a different thing). So think about it…is this the BEST that you can do with your CHOICE? Can you for a minute allow the possibility that that puppy came into your life for a reason…perhaps not for you…but for you to be able to pass him on to just the right person that is so ready and may have been waiting for quite some time? Can you make the CHOICE of becoming a VEHICLE of GRACE? 

Now…just substitute ‘baby’ for ‘puppy’ and give it some thought.