This article, When you get it right and when you don’t had me thinking that I need to start noticing the blessed moments of my life more.
So…here are just a few that are still fresh on my mind.
I must have done something right…
*when we walk into a store and my 10 year old son reaches out for the door and says “here mom, let me get that for you” and the other patrons smile as they walk by.
I must have done something right…
*when my 11 year old daughter reaches for my hand as we leave the store, and we walk hand in hand until we reach the car.
I must have done something right…
*when I make an incredibly simple breakfast and my daughter says ‘oh, this is delicious”.
I must have done something right…
*when my son makes coffee for me and serves it to me while I’m sitting at my favorite spot in the house! reading Facebook. 🙂