
The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility. For, as he does not know at all, how to employ it, neither does he know how to defend himself from it.

St. Vincent De Paul

What makes humility so powerful? Because it’s what it takes to give our lives completely over to the Lord and be able to live in complete obedience. Jesus said that we needed to become like little children. He didn’t mean childish and immature…lol…He meant humble and open to receiving His graces.

When we are prideful, it is almost impossible to live out a life of grace. We become like the rich young man in the Gospels, we posses too much and become unwilling to let any of it go, in order to follow the foot steps the Lord puts before us. We have our reputation, our friendships, our health, and our wealth to protect. The ‘what ifs’ run through our minds and paralyze us from doing the thing that we are being called to do.

So true humility, isn’t about thinking less of ourselves… we don’t have to become doormats… we just have to think of ourselves less. More of Him and less of us. We must be so confident and trusting in the Lord that we just know that whatever He allows will be for our ultimate good. Yes, we may lose some things in the interim… but that’s just to make room for the real gems that he wants to give us.

Read here about the Precious Jewels, and how letting go can bring greater graces than we can even imagine.