Posted in Step 1

Highly Sensitive Content


Characteristics of Highly Sensitive Souls

1)extremely intuitive

2)highly aware, keenly observant

3)attuned to the subtleties of the surrounding environment light, noise, sound, temperature, etc.

4)emotionally sensitive and caring, easily affected by the energy and emotions of others

5)often empathic

6)experience emotions with great intensity and depth

7)have a lower tolerance for stimulation than others

8)need adequate rest, nutrition and time alone to feel balanced

9)highly conscientious

10)intense, passionate, emotional

11)able to concentrate deeply with uninterrupted time

12)prefer to work independently

13)process information deeply and from many sources of information

14)often more right-brained, artistic

15)often feel very different than “everyone else”

16)have a rich, complex inner life – often highly imaginative

17)often seen by others as sensitive or shy

18)often introverted, though 30% of HSPs are “socially extroverted” according to Dr. Aron

19)can get extremely engaged with work and ideas

20)often prefer to avoid news and TV

21)have an important role to play in society as advisors, sages or prophets from many sources of information

This is ME! It also seems to describe my closest friends, I believe that these sensitive souls are the ‘mystics’ that the Carmelite spirituality embraces. The St. Therese’s and the St. John of the Cross’s of today. We may not be saints yet…we are still a work in progress…but we can look to them in living our daily lives in the here and now. We are a passionate bunch for sure…maybe even seem a tad on the insane side to the casual observer.

The new direction of this blog is in honor of this newly discovered path. It used to be called ‘stepping aside’ but it no longer describes my calling. The mission that I am now embracing is one of living fully and authentically. Of being all that The Lord wants me to be…it may sound selfish to some…but that couldn’t be further from the truth…extinguishing God’s creation in any form is sinful, even and maybe especially when done to self.