Your weak faith and your lack of confidence in me grieve me, my son. What is it you dread? Whom are you afraid of? Pray and abandon yourself to me. Let it be really I alone who act.
Blue Book #19c
I long to rest upon the hearts of those who are my own. But I find them too busy to stop and give me rest. They say they are busy about my business or that of my Father, but what a lie!
Grace in Every Season
Keep Holy the Sabath! That’s not just one of the precepts of the Catholic Church, it’s straight out of the Bible. It’s THAT important. God didn’t just arbitrarily pick rules just to burden us, on the contrary, He created us and knows exactly what we need. And our biggest need is Him.
Imagine for a second if all who call themselves Catholic just took their faith seriously. Wow… we could change the world. There isn’t a whole lot asked of us actually. The church just points out the bare minimum, and then allows the Holy Spirit to take it from there. These are just boundaries which without, your soul is in serious threat. Learn them, teach them to to your kids… teach them to all those you love.
The five precepts of the Catholic Church are:
- Attend Mass on Sundays and days of obligation.
- Confess your sins at least once a year.
- Receive the Eucharist at least once a year.
- Observe days of fasting and abstinence.
- Provide for the needs of the Church.