Giving and Receiving Grace and Mercy

Psalm 122:1

I rejoiced with those who said to me,
    “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

Yesterday we delved into the purpose of our being, what went wrong and the purification process still required.

Today we go a little deeper…

#150 h, of the Blue Book states.

Seduced by Satan, how many of them have lost the light which enables them to walk along the right path: that of truth, of fidelity, of the life of grace, of love, of prayer, of good example, of holiness.

How many of these poor sons of mine are even now abandoning the Church, either criticizing and challenging her, or even going so far to betray her and deliver her into the hands of her Adversary!

This great and necessary Light comes from the Holy Spirit, we first receive it at Baptism, we get it fully activated at our Confirmation, and we get it amped up each time we receive the Sacraments and then put them to use… to serve God, by allowing Him to use us anyway He sees fit. We receive grace, to pass it on.

In today’s Mass readings we hear…

the oath which he swore to our father Abraham, to grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life. – Luke 1:73-75

In 33Days to Merciful Love it’s put in another way.

To live the Little Way, we must be merciful to others. We must strive to show mercy. We must strive to forgive. Otherwise we cannot hope for mercy.