Why do you not wish to entrust yourself to me? Let it be I who build moment by moment your future. It is enough for you to say just as a little child: Mother, I trust in you, I let myself be led by you. Tell me: what must I do? (Blue Book 6c)
Now I get up in the morning, and I begin to listen as I move through the day. As I do so, a tremendous peace comes upon me. (Grace in Every Season)
For me personally, the early hours of the day are my best time for this. I get up an hour or so before the family, I say a prayer to the Holy Spirit, then I do my spiritual reading, and journaling, Lectio Divina style. My rosary and more formal pryer time won’t come until later. For now I’m just setting myself to listen, to get my marching orders for the day.
Then from there it’s all about being attentive to my duties of the moment. I sometimes have a todo list which can be helpful in certain days when my brain is finding it hard to function enough to even know should be next.
This living in Union with Mary that leads us intimately to Jesus, results in tremendous peace, even through chaotic days. One tiny example, rather silly even…is when I’m driving. I used to be an angry driver, I’d get so mad when people would cut me off or beep at me for any reason. Road rage is a thing folks…lol…ok…so it never got THAT bad…but still…it would steal my peace.
I now try to drive in more awareness. Looking for opportunities to bless people, letting them go ahead of me (safety allowing of course), and it has made the entire experience so much more peaceful, dare I say enjoyable even? I’m now in a position of giving, instead of being taken from.
So this ‘listening’ more often than not is simply being aware of the moment and its requirements and needs.
Have a blessed day everyone, please know that you are in my daily prayers. I can’t tell specifically who is following along with me here, but God knows (I just know numbers …there are seven of you), 😉 Hey…where two or more gather, He is there…so we’re good! Love you all.