Posted in Core

Entering into the Resurrection of Christ

There are some among you who are still caught up in the temptation of doubt and criticism. After all I have done for you. Do not grieve my Heart by your doubt, by your incredulity. Have you not yet learned to let yourselves be guided by me? Overcome this temptation by prayer.

Blue Book #72 m

When we are absolutely down, we cry, “Father, Father, why have you forsaken me?” The echo of our voice is in our ears. This echo is something that moves us up the mountain of the Lord very quickly. The Lord stands on the mountain and says, “Friend, come higher,” and we are crying to his Father, “Why have you forsaken me?” But if, in total trust and utter faith, hope and love, we really bend close to the ground, and continue to appeal to the Father, our voice becomes lower and lower until it becomes a whisper, until we are silent. As we move up the mountain of the Lord we suddenly understand what is happening to us: we are entering into the resurrection of Christ.

Grace in Every Season (April 10)

We give to Him our doubts, our hurts, our feelings of rejection and abandonment. We keep uttering prayers that are filled with faith, hope and love. Fully confident that what He has done for us before, He will do so again.