
Day 7

This week we’ll be looking at loving God with our whole heart. But just like the mind itself which was created with a Divine purpose (for us to envision and desire heaven and remain focused on our goal), our emotions too were created by God with a similar Divine purpose, being the agent that draws us to Him. However satan’s big plan is to warp creation and as a consequence, there are so many of us suffering. That makes it all the more crucial to submit and consecrate this area to God, we can also ask our Blessed Mother to be a mother to us now. She’s endured all the heavy emotions of humanity, she understands our suffering.

Here is what the Catechism of the Catholic church has to say about emotions!

It is often said that the “heart” is the seat of the emotions, it turns out that this is not in our physical heart at all, but in the part of the brain called the Limbic System.

This explains why some smells can trigger some pretty intense emotions and memories. It turns out that certain scents can actually help in the healing process as well. Essential oils’ tiny particles can make their way up the olfactory bulb, to stimulate this part of the brain and different plants have different healing properties. I just love how Our Creator knew our needs and created all accordingly. So there are different oils that fit different needs. I will list a few below. I’m not a doctor and this is not an Rx. simply something that helps me. Pray and Obey!!!

Young Living