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They say that Autism parenting carries with it a comparable stress level to that of a soldier.See article here. I believe it! It’s not usually big things…it’s the constant barrage of the little stuff…the splat of an egg for instance.

I’m in the school room which is open to the kitchen. I hear ‘splat’ and I tense up and think ‘oh crap, not again’ ok…not those exact words but I do have to edit myself a bit, I don’t know who may be reading this…lol. I approach my son, knowing exactly what just happened. And lo and behold there it is…a splattered egg on my kitchen floor.

Now here is the question that beckons asking. Why? This child doesn’t even like eggs. Won’t even take a single bite. So what does he like? He likes…well brace yourself for this…he likes juggling them. Yes…I’m going to hide in shame for not having been able to ‘fix’ this little problem yet. See…that’s what Autism moms do…or maybe it’s just me…but we wallow in shame and self condemnation. There is certainly a secret or a key, that will just magically make all of this ok…right? I’m just too blind to have discovered it yet. 🙁