Day 2
This whole process that I’m calling a ‘boot camp’ is not about achieving perfection. It’s about living a life grounded on our faith, listening to the voice of God within and taking the necessary steps from there…no matter how many slip ups we may have…we don’t give up. That’s where this sense of commitment comes in handy. You won’t be following my plan or anyone else’s plan for you…you will be following God’s will and once you know that Voice, there’s no way that you won’t want to commit.
Life these days is going by at a fast clip and social media and the over abundance of information…even really good stuff…can overwhelm us. We read a post and we move on, many times barely acknowledging it. But this boot camp isn’t about acquiring new knowledge…you most likely already know everything that I’m going to be sharing with you here. It’s about moving that information from your head to your heart. Acquiring a purpose and keeping a laser focus on it.
Our ultimate goal in all that we do is Union with God Himself. So give Him the areas that you are the weakest in and let Him strengthen you.
The following video is part one of the Marian Consecration Series. It’s so good…a must watch if you are doing this boot camp with me.
Sometimes our focus needs a little bit of help from the physical realm. I try to always go to my oils first. So here are a few things that may help. I was diagnosed with ADHD inattentive and was put on stimulants at one point. Then I felt the Lord leading me to a better way for me. This is where I tell you to ‘pray and obey’…do what is best for you.