Oh the stuff that’s running around in my head (the beauty of ADHD)…lol. I need a couple of days to iron it all out, and should have some info for you by Sunday. Please pray!!! <3
Music clip is by Jaymie Wolfe…check it out on iTunes!
The daily grind of an ADHD contemplative, in her 6th decade of this pilgrimage called life.
Oh the stuff that’s running around in my head (the beauty of ADHD)…lol. I need a couple of days to iron it all out, and should have some info for you by Sunday. Please pray!!! <3
Music clip is by Jaymie Wolfe…check it out on iTunes!
Lk 19:41-44
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke
As Jesus drew near Jerusalem,
he saw the city and wept over it, saying,
“If this day you only knew what makes for peace—
but now it is hidden from your eyes.
For the days are coming upon you
when your enemies will raise a palisade against you;
they will encircle you and hem you in on all sides.
They will smash you to the ground and your children within you,
and they will not leave one stone upon another within you
because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.”
Today’s readings could not be more timely. Our world is badly needing peace…heck, we as individuals are badly needing it as well. So what gives? Why does it always seem just beyond our reach? We seem to be more divided than ever. By political lines, religious lines, you name it.
Here’s what I think is the answer. Obedience to JESUS!!! It’s not about praying more, or being more…it’s about RECEIVING HIM more and then walking with Him, one step at a time. It’s about relearning the basics of our faith…that we can’t do anything without His inspiration. It’s about ‘stepping into it’. It’s about trusting Him and being wise enough to submit to His Voice (in every part of our lives)! It’s about being humble enough to know that we aren’t the only one that He is leading…and that He may have very different purposes for the other person and is therefore allowing them to walk a different path(and that we don’t necessarily need to accompany them). It’s about letting go of our false Gods. I love John of the Cross’ Nada Path…not this, not this, not this either…alas only God suffices.
I had no idea when i started to receive little dabs of inspiration regarding ‘stepping into it’ how much of a framework for my life it would become and how timely it all was. He works like that, giving us exactly what we need and at just the right time. Often it can also help others, and we need to be open to that. But even that can’t be our main motivator…as good as it sounds. It has to be purely about obeying Him…that’s it! He then can take it from there and use it as He wills it.
Have a blessed day everyone, and if you do happen to read this and it inspires you somehow…please leave me a comment. I love hearing back from folks…that then inspires me!!! ;)
I think that one of the biggest hungers in the human soul is that to know and be known. First by those that we share this earth with and ultimately by Our Creator Himself. It is this longing for intimacy that keeps the wheel going, even when it’s fulfillment seems all but an impossible dream…hope calls us forward, to take another small step, and then another.
When the Bible says that ‘it is not good for man to be alone’, it is referring to this level of comfortability with another soul where you can share your deepest self and not fear rejection, and to be without it is akin to hell itself.
There is much in today’s society to keep us from what we seek, and we all go through at one time or another our own personal hell I’m sure. Today however, I want to write about the hell of ADHD…the inattentive variety to be exact. There are many things written about the positives of ADHD these days, the creativity and passion, the genius even of so many who bear it. However the darker side of ADHD is what makes this a ‘disorder’. The utter discontent with the status quo. NOTHING is as it should be…ever…or at least not for long.
The song “Just Give Me a Reason” by Pink has a section that says…
I’m sorry I don’t understand
Where all of this is coming from
I thought that we were fine
(Oh, we had everything)
Your head is running wild again
My dear we still have everythin’
And it’s all in your mind
(Yeah, but this is happenin’)
Yea…THAT! That pretty much sums it up!
We see problems…sometimes where none exist…or at least not easily visible to the average human person. And we have PLANS, or so many plans and ideas on how to combat all of life’s ills…all of them…running through our heads at any one time. So many that we are often immobilized by them. So chaos reigns, in our homes, in our relationships, in our lives… but all starting in the deep recesses of our minds. If this chaos is allowed to roam for an extended length of time, it can produce unimaginable damage to our self esteem, leading us to isolate ourselves in our own little worlds, and not know…and not be known…opening the flood gates to the further hell of depression and anxiety.
But here is where in the kernel of this disorder lies its own salve. We are highly intuitive, good at sensing problems and coming up with solutions. And this one is no exception!!! There is HOPE…even if sometimes we have to stay at it for a little while…it eventually comes to us. And that my friends, is a post for another day. I have things to do, thoughts to think, and rabbit trails to follow…have a blessed day!!!
The week started and finished with my heart in pieces…grieving the loss of loved ones, particularly my dad. Sunday the 6th was the 7th anniversary of his passing, and then the 10th was his birthday, and then of course today the 11th just opens up all types of old wounds about losing loved ones. It’s like walking around constantly with a piece of you missing.
But then there were a few highs thrown in there for good measure too. On Tuesday the 8th (Our Blessed Mother’s Birthday) I did my re consecration to Jesus through Mary! It means that I trust our mother to lead me to Jesus since she knows her Son the best. I’ll have to do a separate blog post about that.
As a result of this 33 day preparation, I believe Our Mother gave me a precious gift. Newer insights into some persistent, long term issues. I was lead to read “Driven to Distraction” by Edward Hallowell, MD. And am now seeing so many things in a different light…again…enough there for its own blog post at some point.
We are also about to leave on a road trip, so there is packing and the usual worrying that accompanies such things. I hope to be periscoping parts of it, so if you don’t yet have the app…get it so you don’t miss out on all the excitement. 😉 If you don’t see me as much on Facebook or other social media sites, this is why. It will be easier to just compose an update here in the blog and then just disperse it accordingly.
At Mass this morning, Fr. David spoke about St. Stephan of Hungary, when I heard the (Hungary) part and that he was some how related to St. Adelaide, I suspected that he may be one of my ancestors as well. St. Adelaide as some of you may remember is my 32nd great aunt. Well I just looked up St. Stephan and it turns out that he is a direct ancestor…my 31’st great grand father. I kind of hope that the portions of my DNA that originated in that area comes from him…wouldn’t it be cool if someday genetics does get that precise? For now it’s enough to know that I’m here because of him…and I’m grateful.
By the way it turns out that Saint Adelaide is Saint Stephan’s wife’s great aunt. 🙂
Any other genealogy enthusiasts reading this?
This is my favorite app, ever. It is where I keep track of my ‘steps’…or my ‘rule’, if you are familiar with A Mother’s Rule of Life.
I’m not always the best at sticking to it 100% but it’s really super helpful to have these boundaries set up, to call me back to task when my mind escapes from my duties. It gives me the support I need, and yet still leaves me with enough leeway for some ‘God Breezes’ as the Flylady would say.
I’d love to tell you more about how I set up mine, so I’ll probably do a periscope on it some time today. If you are a Periscope user make sure that you are following me @ Essy Dias, and feel free to leave me some questions here.
Home Routines by Wunderbearhttps://appsto.re/us/6scdv.i
While the world goes completely psychotic with potential crashes in the stock market, Isis looking to annihilate us, Planned Parenthood dismembering babies and selling them off piece by piece and everyone looking the other way while our government funds them…things seem dire indeed. So we have three options available to us. 1) which seems to be the flavor du jour, just ignore it all…go party, go get drunk, go have an affair…whatever makes you happy at the moment because life is short and that’s all that matters.
Meanwhile some that actually have a conscience can’t seem to do that so they embrace option #2) they go hog wire bat shit crazy, the sky is falling, the sky is falling is their battle cry. But in actuality as Christians we aren’t meant to be fear mongers but faith and grace mongers.
Which brings us to the final option. #3) the path of grace! We are to observe ALL that is happening around us and within us and then through prayer and guidance, we are to set out to correct it. We are to ‘step into’ God’s grace. No fear needed!!! Just do it, even imperfectly. The problem is when we get stuck on options 1 and 2, I’m not saying we can’t enjoy God’s abundant provision, or even go a little crazy as we’re first discovering the work He has for us, we just can’t get stuck there…it becomes a diversion straight from the pits of hell to keep us from doing the work we were meant to do.
Dear Lord, I’m ready to step into the life that You have planned for me. Walk with me and guide me every step of the way, and I shall not falter. I ask Our Blessed Mother Mary, St. Zellie Martin and St. Gianna Molla to walk this journey with me also. They were mothers and wives willing to work hard to fulfill Your mission at whatever You asked of them. I want to do the same. Speak to me Lord, give me passion and drive and then stay with me. Fill me with Your grace so that others can see You through me. Less of me, more of You!!!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Sometimes our ‘stepping’ may resemble more of a dizzying, twirling motion than actual progression. Such has been my life recently, I get a few moments of clarity when it all seems possible and then bang…it all goes dark again. I start beating myself up for stuff beyond my control, and then I start self diagnosing. Well here’s the conclusion I came to yesterday…
Ok…wait for it…drum rolls please…I’m HUMAN! I don’t want to carelessly sweep away the possibility that I’m being used as the ‘Devils toy’ because yes, of course he loves to see us down and is always around waiting to devour…but I’m pretty confident that he’s not the one in control of my life. How do I know? Well…even in the purest of darkness I can sense my LORD…He sends me Angels to minister to me. The darkness itself is different…it’s not evil and hateful…it’s more of a hungering…a longing…for more love, more beauty (not for less)…more of HIM I guess. Not because He’s not there…I know that…but when He hides Himself, I forget. In my forgetfulness, yes…I’m capable of reaching out and trying to replace Him with other gods…I am sinful…He rescues me, time and time again…I do not need to fear Him not wanting me. In my humanness, I also struggle with physical issues that come from being an aging woman, with emotional issues that come from the choices I’ve made…some good others not so much…both have taken its toll. Why am I saying all of this? Because it’s something that I want each of you to remember if you are ever in my shoes…I’m older…let that be of some good for somebody.
Then today there was this …
I’m having a good morning with my son (with Autism) I’ve decided to stop feeling bad for what he can’t do and embrace what he CAN! That involves me being realistic with what level he’s actually functioning at…embrace what it is and work from there…instead of getting us both frustrated at trying to work at a higher level. Hmm…maybe this applicable to me too. I have amazing friends who have reached incredibly high spiritual levels…this is obviously why they put up with me…but I’m NOT where they are…and I can’t get all frustrated about not being THERE…I can just do the best I can HERE!
So yes…I keep stepping along…not always a straight path, but I believe that progress is being made after all.