Stepping Into a Special Anointing…

I just realized that it has been quite a while since my last blog post. The Lord has been leading me through so much, I’ve been sharing quite a few bits and pieces of it on Instagram and on facebook, but I forget to sit and compose a more complete post here. So today I want to share with you some of the things that have been going on lately and how the Lord answers prayer sometimes in the most natural way.

2019 was filled with many ups and downs regarding my health. After a very intense health crash at the end of 2018 where I had landed in the hospital over night. I started learning about the alkaline diet and the alkaline way of life in general, and also about the lymphatic system. I came across a book called ‘Get off your acid’ and it really changed things around for me. I was able to get myself off of a medication that I had been on for a couple of decades and greatly impressed my primary care physician as well as my cardiologist with how well I was doing. But diets on their own are difficult to maintain, and if you’re relying solely on them then it’s easy to relapse. That’s kind of what happened to me over the Summer, I wasn’t back to square one but had slid enough to cause a health struggle.

I’ve always had an affinity for a more holistic approach to health care…diet, exercise, vitamins and herbs… any gentle form of healing, as pharmaceutical drugs often have a very negative effect on me…curing one thing, but leaving me with so many other issues. So, when I started to struggle again…I went back to praying… and listening. The Lord kept showing me ‘Frankinsense’…mind you, I wasn’t much into oils at this point. I had some that I had bought on Amazon and used them to make the house smell nice instead of using air fresheners which literally made me ill (as well as many other things I had around the house…cleaners, my husband’s cologne, soap, laundry detergent…the list was insane by this point and it was very hard to explain to my family. It’s not that I didn’t like these smells, I did…sometimes very much…but they made me physically ill.)

By the end of November I got an invitation from my friend Cath, for me to come to her massage studio, where she had another friend from our Route One Networking Group, Kimberly Marrama, come in and introduce us to essential oils. More specifically Young Living products. During the course of her presentation, she goes on to mention Frankinsense and my ears perk up at this point, and then she mentions something about the lymphatic system and the light bulb started coming on. She enthusiastically shared her experience and knowledge with us. We got to test some of the oils, I had brought my 17 year old daughter with me who absolutely loves this stuff…and we were in heaven.

I immediately came home and ordered my starter kit and it was like Christmas when it arrived. I just had to get out the bottle of Frankincense that came with it and started looking up recipes to use it on. I found one for a face cream  and began using it religiously…I’m serious…like in obedience to God. Had no clue why other than I felt strongly that this is what I needed to be doing.  I did have some skin issues, a mole between my eyes and some scarring from my teen years dealing with acne. Also, at the age of 56, I’m thinking the Lord just thinks I need a little extra help in this department. lol. But if someone had asked me then what I most struggled with health wise, I would not have said skin issues…not even close.

Well, a couple of weeks later I go to my regularly scheduled doctor’s appointment and they didn’t like the look of that mole I mentioned before. The skin specialists came in and felt sure it was Basel Cell Carcinoma, so they booked an appointment at the dermatologist right away. That was followed up by a biopsy which confirmed within days that I had a very common form of skin cancer.  But quite frankly…I don’t care how common it was…knowing that there was any type of cancer cells in my body kind of freaked me out and escalated my stress level. My mom had died of cancer, and it runs rampant in my extended family. I know that cancer cells can come and go, and that our body can usually deal with it…so if it hadn’t…something within me wasn’t right. High acidity explains it… especially due to lengthy highly stressful and emotional life events.

I felt confident though that if the Lord was providing me with something to help me then it would all be ok…He had this covered. 😀 I had sometime leading up to the biopsy and then a couple of weeks from then until the scheduled Mohs surgery and I was committed to doing all I could on my end to help the healing along. I went back on my alkaline diet, used my my face cream with the Frankinsense and diffused relaxing oils to keep me in the present moment and not worrying about anything that I had no control over.  And of course, asked prayers form anyone that I came in contact with.

The surgery went very well, they only had to go in and cut twice…sometimes it can take many attempts, as they go layer by layer to get all of the cancer. I followed doctors orders for after care, and used the Vaseline instead of my cream while the stitches were still in place, but now I’m back to using the Frankincense cream and I’m fully confident that it will help keep the scarring to a minimum. I’ve now also bought the YL Sun Screen lotion as well as their body lotion. I’m getting rid of all the household toxins I can, and replacing them with YL products. I take my health seriously. If you think these health products are expensive, you should see my medical bills from this surgery alone. 🙁  I’d rather spend my money on health maintenance, wouldn’t you?

I need to add a little blurb here…when I started mentioning oils, some friends felt they needed to warn me against the ‘pyramid schemes’ out there. Honestly… if more people can make a living through these amazing products by dispersing education and sharing their own experiences, I’m all for it. I listen to God’s voice and His leading, and this is all I want to show others to do as well.  God doesn’t need a product to support my healing process… but if He chooses to use one, who am I to say no? I didn’t say no to pharmaceutical drugs all those years and no one batted an eye.

If you’d like to know more about this feel free to contact me.  Here is my link if you’d like to order a start up kit…it comes with so many amazing oils and other great products at a highly discounted rate. You’d pay so much more if you were to buy everything separately. Anyway…I know that I sound like an advertisement and I’m not even sorry for it. lol. Just ‘stepping into’ obedience and doing what I’m feeling called to do.

Get Starter Kit HERE!


Communion of Saints

In my last post, The Values Factor I mentioned my great passion for making the Kingdom’s attainability starting right here and now, known, and desired. Many who call themselves Christians have never even considered the possibility of becoming saints when they die, never mind becoming one in this life.

What if I were to tell you that not only is it possible, but it’s actually what we were created for. Anything short of this lofty goal is a total waste of a life.

God created Paradise for His Children, the saints…it’s our home as had been His plan from the very beginning. Even though on this side of eternity many of us unfortunately have wasted much time trudging through the desert or even stuck in Egypt … it doesn’t take away from the fact that heaven… our promised land is ours to inhabit…entrance was forfeited for a time when sin entered the world but it was bought back for us at an incredible price by the King Himself and although we won’t experience its totality until this life is complete, we can have a share in it right now.

So what does the kingdom look like in the day to day? Does it mean we all have to be absolutely perfect in everything we say and do and all look a certain way? Perfect house, perfect cooking, perfect everything? Maybe a halo to boot? Ummm…not quite.

Worldly perfectionism is NOT holiness. And THAT is the only criteria for inhabiting the Kingdom… we need to be holy just as Jesus is Holy! Maintaining a state of Grace!!

If we think of sin as specs of dirt on our glasses, it distorts our vision making us unable to even see the Kingdom, or see it only very faintly. Holiness or being in a state of Grace then is unobstructed vision.

This is why our Blessed Mother’s prayers on our behalf are so powerful. She was ‘full of grace’ as per the angel that approached her.

So how is this accomplished? Well, not by our own merits that’s for sure. If there had ever been even the smallest possibility of entering heaven based on our own good works, then Jesus wouldn’t have had to come and be crucified and die for us.

It’s only by His grace which He imparts to us first through our Baptism, that grants our sanctification and then is lived out through a life of faith.

This faith is not mere lip service, with all due respect to my Protestant friends.

Uttering a prayer is certainly a great start… but we’ll have to back it up with action…or what I like to call ‘Holy Obedience’.

Like Mary tells us in the Bible “do whatever He says”.

Jesus didn’t leave us to struggle on this earth on our own.

He left His church in charge of serving His people. Providing nourishment for the journey via the Sacraments. And He left us to live in community with one another and be a light in a world that is growing in darkness.

For further reading!!

The Communion of saints by Pope Francis

The Values Factor

I’m reading a book that I’ve only recently learned about, it’s called The Values Factor, written by Dr. John Demartini. This isn’t a Catholic book, I must tell you upfront that I like to read from a variety of world views…I absorb what is for me and let go of the rest. If I discover while I’m reading it, that it’s completely contrary to my own world view, then I discard the entire book. It’s just how I do things. 😀 Anyway, I’m enjoying this one very much, its similar in some ways to the popular Love Languages book, It goes through a series of questions that leads you to reflect on what you really are all about at your core and the values that you hold the most dear so that you can live your life the most authentically. For instance you may say that your truly value something, but if for some reason you are always finding that you lack time, money, or whatever to get to it, then it’s probably not one of your higher values and could even be a societal ‘should’. I have several of those as a Portuguese woman, this may be true for all women but in my opinion it’s especially true for the Portuguese, my list of shoulds is pretty darn long. I should keep a spotless house, I should be a great cook…I should, I should, I should…and not surprising, that little voice in my head uttering these words sounds very much like my mother. The problem is that those aren’t MY highest values at all…not even close. Are you unsure of your highest values? What you need to do is look at what you already do, day in and day out. How do you spend your time, your money, you’re energy. Chances are good that barring addictions or any such thing, you are already pursuing your highest values…you just may not have put it all together yet. It’s what brings us joy and what can also potentially irritate us the most about others who don’t hold the same values as us.  So this is a great way not only to learn about ourselves and our particular gifts, but to learn about others as well and come to respect and value them for what they can offer instead of what we’d like them to do. I’ve discovered that my 3 highest values are, revealing the Kingdom of God, Teaching, and Healing. In other words, the things that drive me and fill me with passion have these thing at their core. Whether it’s reflected in my parenting, my marriage, my career choices…these three things will always find its way in.

Jesus tells us in Mark 1:15 that “the time has come and the kingdom of God is at hand…repent and believe in the Gospel.” The Kingdom was established with Jesus Christ and it continues today…not merely as some future destination but very much here and now. This kingdom is for those who hold Christ as their King, living in obedience to His will. Of course while we are still living here in this world we can’t experience the fullness of the kingdom in its totality yet…but we can get glimpses of it in our daily lives. Jesus left us with all we needed for the journey. He left us His church, Sacraments and a community of believers for support (the church militant) as well as all those that have gone before us (the church penitent and triumphant) and the angels who were specifically created to help us on our way…and He sends the Holy Spirit to guide us the entire way. So the kingdom of God is home base for God’s children…the saved souls who have chosen Him, those in a state of grace and it starts here and now. However, choosing the Kingdom is a choice that we have to keep making over and over. Again..the Sacraments help us with this. How can we not desire it above all things and do all in our power to not lose it?

So…where does my highest value for revealing the kingdom come in? Well, I feel like Catholics often lose sight of this here and now aspect of our faith and we instead aim for heaven as some after life thing way down the road. It’s nice..but I can wait…let me have my fun now a la St. Augustine. But the tragic fact that many learn too late is that by not choosing heaven NOW, you lose access to all that was created purposefully for you and risk losing heaven altogether later. The graces imparted on a soul that is living totally for God can’t be compared to anything the world can give. So this is my passion…to reveal God’s Kingdom to others…wherever I see Truth, Beauty and Goodness…that’s a glimpse of the Kingdom and I want others to see and desire it too. The Lord provides the gifts…we just need to use them. So, whether via words in a blog, or perhaps my photography, it’s all to be used to glorify Him.

My Second highest value is Teaching. Looking back I remember gathering the neighborhood kids and setting up a ‘school’ where I was teacher, I didn’t know any more than they did of course, but I just had a desire to share whatever I knew. I carried this desire with me as I taught CCD as a young adult, then later on became Formation Director for my lay Carmelite community and in the past decade homeschooled my own children. I believe that what God blesses us with is to be shared and that’s not only material goods but all of His gifts…and I see all good things as coming from Him. So when I discover new things, I love to spread the word. 😀 This can easily slide into preaching sometimes, and it’s something that I have to be aware of as not everyone likes to be preached to. 😉

And finally my third highest value is that of healing which is the other great passion of mine that came about probably in middle school. It shows itself in my love for anything that is health related. I wanted to be a Pediatrician early on, then in high school I amended that to nursing. I was part of a Nurses Assistant class where we got hands on experience in the hospital and nursing homes, I loved it and felt sure that would be my journey, right after graduating I applied for nursing school and when my top choice put me on a waiting list, I gave up and went to work in the technical field instead which actually fits in well with my current gig as photographer….and is perhaps one of my highest values as well (I’m a tech nerd…studied computer science in college and love all kinds of gadgets and apps). However my passion for all things health related didn’t  die there and I later on became aware of why the Lord had given me this gift to begin with when my parents later in life needed my assistance with many aspects of their health care and I assumed charge as their primary care giver. My love of healing has taken a more holistic turn these days. I believe that our bodies were intelligently  created and I love studying and teaching about it every chance I get.

So whatever you enjoy doing…have another look at it…the Lord has a special purpose for you. Our highest values are like our finger prints…they are very specific to each one of us. We can perhaps share some values, but they will never be identical in precise detail. There’s only one you. So put that light of yours up on the hill, the world needs what you have to offer.

Social Aspect of Obedience

We have somehow lost sense of the social aspect of sin. We may be quite familiar with the personal effects, but may have with time forgotten that we are part of the Body of Christ. It is with this in mind that I approach The Daniel Fast. Just as our sinfulness effects others, fortunately our acts of obedience can as well.

On day 1 of the fast, it is suggested that we confess our sins. Let us be clear on what we are still clinging to, what idols are we still holding up in our lives.

We are to release anything that is tempting to take the Lord’s place in our hearts. Only through purity of heart can we then truly love others the way God loves us. Sinfulness distorts our view of the world like dirt on our glasses, Confession wipes them clean.

When we take on fasting… we attempt with God’s Grace to hand to Him those idols that we been clinging to as we Offer it up to Him and allow Him to bless us and the entire Church according to His will and not our own.

Further Reading

Personal and social effects of sin and forgiveness!

The Daniel Fast

In prayer this morning I felt called to do something about the craziness I’m seeing in the world right now. I immediately thought of the Daniel Fast, It’s a 21 day thing though, and I was kind of hoping for a weekend or maybe 1 week, tops. However, when I checked my calendar and realized that this 21 day Fast would end just before Pentecost, that confirmed it for me.

Prayer and fasting is crucial in times like these, and so is community. I need to put away those things that are impeding my growth in those areas and listen more intently to what the Lord may be leading me to. So for the next 21 days (starting tomorrow with God’s Grace), I will be taking on this challenge and blogging here. If it encourages anyone else to do something similar, great. If not, then may my obedience to His calling be enough. 😀 🙏🙏🙏


Suffering and Gratitude, Preparing for the Savior


Last week we had a glimpse of the beauty of Zion and our call to live there, our Promised Land. However the journey from the slavery of  ‘Egypt’ to the ‘Land of Milk and Honey’ isn’t necessarily an instantaneous one. Our human frailties still cling to the false charms of Egypt and therefore the pain of letting go is real.

God sends us through the ‘desert’ because He wants to develop complete faith and trust within us, He wants to show us that He can indeed feed us and provide for all of our needs. In this arid place, He tells us over and over that we need nothing and no one but Him. That our job is to do as He says, we are to care for those that He sends our way and then He’ll take it upon Himself to care for and feed us Himself. We are to stop ‘grabbing’ for self gratification and we are to relax in His provision instead. He promises us that we won’t ‘starve’. It’s counterintuitive to ‘let go’ at these moments so we do experience it as pain at first, or at least discomfort. This is the ‘sacrificial’ aspect of it. It’s the dying to self.

The way to do this is to change our focus. Untangle ourselves from selfishness. The evil spirit of Narcissism is consuming our society whole. We need to come to a realization that what feels good and comfortable at the moment isn’t always the best thing though, we need to push beyond our comfort zones. Fasting, abstinence and other methods of negating the body help develop self control and train us to look beyond our immediate world of the senses for truth, beauty and goodness.  We often don’t even need to undertake extra harsh penances, because by simply doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, the opportunity to die to self will most likely come up several times during an average day.

We’re living in times of high sensitivity. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, if we use it wisely. Instead of getting personally worked up about perceived assaults against our own person, we are to use our sensitivity in determining the needs of others. For ourselves, we are to use our sensitivities to see our own faults, and the blessings that we’ve been undeservedly given and to be in tune to Grace and God’s calling moment by moment. This sensitivity should lead to a deep sense of gratitude and worship. It is this attitude that prepares us for receiving the Savior and all the graces that He wants to bless us with.

Return to Zion

Essy D Photography

“It is for freedom that we have been set free.” Galatians 5:1. Pope John Paul II said that “freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.”

In the History of the Israelites, even though they were given the Promised Land, they’ve spent very little time actually living in it. Most of their history has been lived in exile in one place or another away from their homeland; Egypt, Assyria, Babylon. Is this to be the fate of us Christians too?

Our Promised Land is that Place that Our Lord Jesus Christ has died to give us…yes…Heaven when we pass on…but also right here, right now.  He declared that” The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”.

Then how can we step into it?

We need to acknowledge exactly where we are at the moment and how far we are from it. After having been released from Egypt are we now stuck in a mirage somewhere in the middle of the Desert?

It requires a raw honesty with self, to fully grasp the fact that we can no longer stay in this place because it’s really not doing anything for us. It’s all smoke and mirrors. It’s fake pearls when the Lord is offering us the genuine deal.

The next step after that requires ‘poverty of spirit’. Realizing that our own ways have failed, and failed pretty miserably in some instances. So we have nothing that we can call ‘our own’.

We then become detached from that world of fakery. There’s nothing there that we want or need. When we can fully grasp this and come to acceptance, the Lord fills us with His Peace and Hope.

We are set forth on a mission to search for Truth, Beauty and Goodness and there is now something to live and die for.

Once this all takes place, He sets us on the path back to Zion and leads us forward step by step with His guidance and bestows us with His wisdom.

We have His Word and His Holy Spirit to direct us, His Church with its Sacraments to nourish us on this Journey and also His Mother to care for us. Mary and the Church epitomize Femininity as does Zion itself and  show us what Truth, Beauty and Goodness are and what their function in the world needs to be.


John Paul II General Audience

Whirlwind Week (brain dump)

    The week started and finished with my heart in pieces…grieving the loss of loved ones, particularly my dad. Sunday the 6th was the 7th anniversary of his passing, and then the 10th was his birthday, and then of course today the 11th just opens up all types of old wounds about losing loved ones. It’s like walking around constantly with a piece of you missing.  

But then there were a few highs thrown in there for good measure too.  On Tuesday the 8th (Our Blessed Mother’s Birthday) I did my re consecration to Jesus through Mary! It means that I trust our mother to lead me to Jesus since she knows her Son the best. I’ll have to do a separate blog post about that.   

As a result of this 33 day preparation, I believe Our Mother gave me a precious gift. Newer insights into some persistent, long term issues. I was lead to read “Driven to Distraction” by Edward Hallowell, MD. And am now seeing so many things in a different light…again…enough there for its own blog post at some point. 

We are also about to leave on a road trip, so there is packing and the usual worrying that accompanies such things. I hope to be periscoping parts of it, so if you don’t yet have the app…get it so you don’t miss out on all the excitement. 😉 If you don’t see me as much on Facebook or other social media sites, this is why. It will be easier to just compose an update here in the blog and then just disperse it accordingly. 

DAY 4:Reconciliation


In today’s readings we get yet again a long to do list of what is needed for a good life…aka…holiness.

If you hold back your foot on the sabbath
from following your own pursuits on my holy day;
If you call the sabbath a delight,
and the LORD’s holy day honorable;
If you honor it by not following your ways,
seeking your own interests, or speaking with malice—
Then you shall delight in the LORD,

Here’s the rub though. No one can accomplish all of this, all the time…NO ONE! Let me say it again. No one roaming the earth at this time can ever be perfectly sinless on their own power. We can sin less, and we definitely need to try…but we can never achieve a state of perfect sinlessness on this side of heaven. Not me, not you, not your sweet grandma, not even the Pope himself. So what then? Are we all royally screwed (pardon my language)? We certainly would be if it wasn’t for one thing…or One Person really! Jesus! He loved us so well that He put it all on the line for us. He bought our ‘salvation’…our ticket to holiness and goodness…remember we need that ticket in order to enter heaven, because of its perfection it can’t tolerate anything that is not itself perfect to enter into it. So He’s giving out these tickets that are priceless…it cost Him His very life. But He’s such a gentleman, He honors your free will and will not push it on you. Will you take one from Him?

So you have already…yay…you are my brothers and sisters, the ticket holders. 😉 Now what? Well that ticket even though it is timeless, there is no expiration date (the only way for it to be fully revoked is for you to throw it away yourself)…it has ‘minutes’ in it. We charge it up by our good deeds…it has already been bought…these deeds are simply another way of us going to Jesus and being with Him in relationship. He doesn’t want you to simply grab your ticket and run and then go hide it under a bed and forget about it. Nope…you need to carry it with you…remember…you may need to use it at any moment.  But just like we charge it up with good deeds, our bad, crappy stuff…aka our sins… uses up our ‘minutes’.  So if you aren’t careful, you can be left standing holding a ticket that you are so darn proud of, but really you’ve let it get nearly empty. (Even then there is hope if you are called home at this point (as long as you don’t throw away the ticket)…a place called ‘Purgatory’…heaven’s filling up, ante room exists. ;))

Here’s the GOOD NEWS though! Jesus knew this ahead of time! He knew our limitations. He knew that even after we had accepted His great gift of salvation that we wouldn’t be able to keep it filled up until we’d need to use it.  And this is why He instituded His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church…and gave us the Sacraments…especially the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

During Confession, we take our worn out, nearly empty ticket to a priest who stands in for Jesus Himself and it gets refilled anew…as if we had just received it for the first time. Great deal, right?

Any theologian reading this…I sincerely apologize!

Please stop by my Lenten page and have a listen to Fr. Lauer’s talk on Reconciliation.

Much love and peace to you!



Isaiah 58:1

“Lo, on your fast day you carry out your own pursuits,
and drive all your laborers.
Yes, your fast ends in quarreling and fighting,
striking with wicked claw.
Would that today you might fast
so as to make your voice heard on high!”

I had this discussion with a dear friend of mine yesterday after I complained about how much I was missing Facebook…lol. This friend lead me to re-examine why I was doing things. In this case, I believe that I was really lead by the Lord to take a little sabbatical, just to be mindful of my presence there and to not soak up the atmosphere so much. Will I be doing that the entire 40 days of Lent? I don’t  know, I will have to discern what the Lord is wanting from me. I’m thinking that what I need to do is set up some ‘CORE’ days, maybe a couple times a week where I can pull back a little bit and focus on the Lord and His will for me.

I think THAT is the main point of the Lenten journey, to constantly be checking in with God and walking with Him in obedience. It’s easy for some of us to just go off full throttle on our own devices. But what we really need is a heart humble enough to submit to Him!

Go listen to what Fr. Lauer has to say on this over at my  LENT page.

And don’t forget to stop by my STORE and check out the collection of amazing books that I have available. These are mostly books that I have read myself and totally recommend.

So, how is your Lenten Season going so far? I’d love to hear from you. 😀