Posted in Core

The Garden of Mary’s Heart

Flower gardeners spend their time growing beauty, which the Lord can then use to heal people and bring them closer to him. Each flower is a love poem of God to us! Each reflects a small part of God’s beauty. Look at each one and you will lose yourself in the infinite perfection of that one flower- its colors, its form, the shape of the petals.

Flowers give hope, returning each spring as they do. Flowers give courage. Flowers heal. Flowers are harbingers of joy.

Grace in Every Season (May5)

The Holy Spirit is the only Gardener within my enclosure. He has overshadowed me with his light of love; He has filled me with all his gifts; He has embellished me with his grandeur and has made me his Spouse.

In my Immaculate Heart this divine prodigy has taken place.

My garden is his exclusive property: it is the Holy Spirit who waters it and gives it light; it is He who causes the most beautiful flowers to spring up; it is He who gives them their color and fragrance; it is He who brings therein whom He wills.

No one can enter unless He Himself opens to them: no one walks therein unless He leads them forward.

If you but knew, my beloved sons, the gift you have received by consecrating yourselves to my Immaculate Heart!

It is the Holy Spirit who has brought you into my garden. And through your heavenly Mother, He is now cultivating you, embelishing you with his gifts, and enriching you with all the virtues.

Blue Book #131 g-l

I didn’t know that ‘Carmel’ actually meant garden until I joined a Third Order Carmelite group 21 years ago. That brought me so much joy and whole new perspective on my spiritual life. Then a couple of years ago, the Holy Spirit brought me to the MMP, and it truly felt like a ‘call within a call’.

This time it feels like she’s personally taking me by the hand … I don’t think everyone needs this type of intense guidance, but I think I’m just a really stubborn case. But I’m grateful that Jesus doesn’t let go and that He loves me so much as to send His own Mother as My Formation Director. 😃 🙏🙏🙏

What is the Immaculate Heart of Mary if not God’s Garden itself…Carmel! Let us enter in! Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse!