Posted in Core

Bringing God to the World

You yourselves must be the living Gospel in order to oppose with your light the great darkness which is growing ever denser throughout my Church.

Blue Book #68n

What can the world give me when I have Christ? I can give something to the world. I, in my empty hands, can give God.

Grace in Every Season (March 3)

This great Light that we are being asked to bring to the world at this very dark time, is God Himself. Empty hands are required to even receive Him fully… that entails constantly dying to ourselves and our own will and embracing the Father’s perfect will.

Today in my Catholic Women’s group I was reminded of Alphonsus Liguori’s Conformity with God’s Will. (If you haven’t yet read it, just click on the title and it will take you to it). There are many things that we can be doing at any one moment, but if they aren’t according to God’s Holy Will for us according to our state in life, even if they are good things, they can actually be detrimental to our spiritual growth.

Again we can ask Our Blessed Mother to help us, her humility and total dedication to doing the Father’s Will brought God to earth through her Son Jesus Christ.