Posted in Step 2

Birthing Coaches

Sometimes at difficult points in our lives God connects us with kindred spirits. Those soul friends that get you through and through, that may be going through very similar circumstances at the moment and have similar lessons to learn. It is such a gift. Such as the case of Mary and Elizabeth. When Mary found out that she was with child, she ran to her cousin Elizabeth who was with child also…and were able to support each other. We all need that. Be open to it!

Otherwise the dark moments can seem overwhelming, hopeless even. We need someone to light the way for us so that we can see Jesus in our circumstances. To give us a kick in the pants when we need it (gently of course). And in the next breath be able to tell us how absolutely awesomely strong and amazing we are. 

Those dark moments can be compared to being in labor. If you didn’t have the forethought to know the glorious miracle that was about to happen…the great gift that you would soon receive, you would be very willing to give it all up just a few minutes into it. Life can be like that…but we are often blind to anything but what is right in front of us. We need others to remind us. We need labor coaches…lol. We need someone there that will tell us that the horrifying pain that we are enduring at the moment will indeed pass away and there will be joy in the morning. That it is all worth it. That what we are doing is birthing Christ Himself. That good will come from our pain.

If you don’t have such a person in your life at the moment, then allow the original Christ bearer to be there with you…Mary!  

I’m in the process of renewing my Consecration to Mary, to be completed on September 8th. If you haven’t yet done one and have a devotion to her, I would highly recommend it. It’s simply asking her to be your coach. 😉IMG_3800