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Reaching Others Through Our Prayers

The triumph of my Immaculate Heart will be realized through a new birth of Jesus in the hearts and the souls of my poor wandering children.

Blue Book #89o

It is important to pray that the Holy Spirit give you particular insights about individuals, for no two people are alike. To think about each person, to pray about each, to plan for each who is your responsibility (short-range and long-range), all this may be part of your job at home or at work.

Grace in Every Season (April 26)

I often get asked to pray for people and I happily do it, I feel that it’s part of my calling. My favorite time for this is during my 3 o’clock in the afternoon prayer time, It’s during this especially allocated time that I also like to offer up my daily pains and struggles for others, especially families.

But with that said, it saddens me that I’ve never thought to ask the Holy Spirit about how I can personally be used to reach each person I pray for. This gives me a new perspective on prayer.

Lord intervene in the lives of my family and friends and use me if You so desire! Amen!

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Living Out Our Consecration in Joy and Love

If you live your consecration, your life will be truly transformed. I will accustom you to my way of seeing, of thinking, of praying, of loving.

I will communicate my spirit to you and will make you ever littler, more simple and more humble.

I will bring you to trust always and only in God. And the more that doubt and denial increase, the more you will find your certainty in Him, and you will bear witness to this.

Blue Book #86 m-o

We must not forget the almost forgotten virtue of hope, which rises like a crocus in the spring. It comes forth full of joy, youth,laughter, and humor, with a yes to being. It consents to accept life as it comes from the hands of God. It has faith, not blind faith but intelligent faith, realistic faith, a faith that understands. It is a faith based on the grace of baptism, and it has its being and its joy in the immense mystery of love.

Grace in Every Season (April 23)

The end result of consecration to Mary, is always full Union with Jesus Christ her Son. That’s all she ever had, so that’s all she has and desires to give! The following is from the MMP, in the back of the Blue Book.


Virgin of Fatima, Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Refuge of Sinners, we who belong to the Marian Movement of Priests consecrate ourselves in a very special way to your Immaculate Heart.

By this act of consecration we intend to live, with you and through you, all the obligations assumed by our baptismal consecration. We further pledge to bring about in ourselves that interior conversion so urgently demanded by the Gospel, a conversion that will free us of every attachment to ourselves and to easy compromises with the world so that, like you, we may be available only to do always the Will of the Father.

And as we resolve to entrust to you, O Mother most sweet and merciful, our life and vocation as Christians, that you may dispose of it according to your designs of salvation in this hour of decision that weighs upon the world, we pledge to live it according to your desires, especially as it pertains to a renewed spirit of prayer and penance, the fervent participation in the celebration of the Eucharist and in the works of the apostolate, the daily recitation of the holy rosary, and an austere manner of life in keeping with the Gospel, that shall be to all a good example of the observance of the Law of God and the practice of the Christian virtues, especially that of purity.

We further promise you to be united with the Holy Father, with the hierarchy and with our priests, in order thus to set up a barrier to the growing confrontation directed against the Magisterium, that threatens the very foundation of the Church.

Under your protection, wé want moreover to be apostles of this sorely needed unity of prayer and love for the Pope, on whom we invoke your special protection.

And lastly, insofar as is possible, we promise to lead those souls with whom we come in contact to a renewed devotion to you.

Mindful that atheism has caused shipwreck in the faith to a great number of the faithful, that desecration has entered into the holy temple of God, and that evil and sin are spreading more and more throughout the world, we make so bold as to lift our eyes trustingly to you, O Mother of Jesus and our merciful and powerful Mother, and we invoke again today and await from you the salvation of all your children, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

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Receiving Healing Through the Sacraments

One can be very whole physically but very sick spiritually. Do we have recourse to God when this happens to us? What kind of sacrament do we use? There is the Sacrament of the Sick. There is the Sacrament of Reconciliation, in which two arms are open to embrace us; two lips are ready to kiss our lips, for the Russians believe confession is the kiss of Christ. There is the Sacrament of the Eucharist- the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ. But in order to enter into the mystery of the sacraments one has to be converted, one has to be changed, turned around to face God–instead of turning one’s back to God.

Grace in Every Season (April 22)

This complete offering of yours is the only thing I ask of you, my sons: the offering of yourselves with your limitations, your weaknesses and your inabilities.

Blue Book #84 f

We have not been abandoned, our Heavenly Father has provided for our every need, in incredible ways through His Church!

But in order to receive what He is wanting to give us, we must humbly acknowledge our need and be willing to put ourselves at His disposal.

One crucial way to do this is through frequent Confession. Where venial sins can be addressed before they take root.

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Joyful Anticipation of a Marvelous Renewal

Conquer the temptation of fear, of discouragement, of sadness. Distrust paralyzes your activity and greatly benefits my Adversary.

Be serene; be joyful!

This is not the end of my Church; what is in preparation is the beginning of its total and marvelous renewal!

Blue Book #83 n-p

You will do his will, and it will be beautiful. To do what God wants is to be truly happy. Sometimes his will may appear to bring pain, but it will also bring you joy. To give ourselves wholly to God, in prayer and in action, is the life of a Christian, and in it we discover joy so immense that our ordinary, everyday life is completely transformed. We find ourselves living in a new reality.

Grace in Every Season (April 21)

The entire Body of Christ must pass through this great renewal process, both collectively as well as each of us individually. There is no way around it.

In your life, I have had you live, as if by anticipation, the experience of what I myself will do at the moment of my great triumph.” (BB #83b)

The cross may be our lot, but while non believers look at us with pity and even ridicule, God Himself is working it all out for us… bringing about a joyful resurrection that this world can’t even fathom.

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Silence and Living the Present Moment

True, silence is sometimes the absence of speech, but it is always the act of listening. The mere absence of noise (which is empty of our listening to the voice of God) is not silence. A day filled with noise and voices can be a day of silence if the noises become for us the echo of the presence of God, if the voices are, for us, messages and solicitations of God.

When we speak of ourselves and are filled with ourselves, we leave silence behind. When we repeat the intimate words of God that he has left within us, our silence remains intact.

Grace in Every Season (April 20)

And so I say to you, beloved sons, do not scrutinize the future, and thus, neither anxiety nor discouragement will take hold of you! Live only in the present instant, in complete abandonment, close to my Immaculate Heart, the present instant which the love of the Heavenly Father puts at your disposal, my little children..

Blue Book #81 o

Worries, fears, anxieties… so much can try to keep us from living peacefully and joyfully in the present moment where God and His grace reside.

Sometimes an outright effort in our part needs to be made. The most anxiety producing vehicles may need to be cut off at least for a time… or blinders put on. But ultimately it’s what we choose to do with what the world and the enemy brings to our attention.

Do we bring it to the Immaculate Heart of Mary… and stay close, listening for God’s voice on what steps to take? Or do we just immediately start flapping our wings and concocting the next steps ourselves?

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Renewed Faith After Great Suffering

Be at peace once again in my Immaculate Heart. How much you have suffered these past days: the darkness, the obscurity, the doubt. In a certain sense, you have tasted even the bitterness of being abandoned!

At these moments it seems to you that you have lost your way; you call on me, and it seems to you that I am far away, that all is an illusion. On the contrary, never as in these moments, never as at this very moment, my son, am I so close to you and do I clasp you so close to my Immaculate Heart and gaze on you with such tenderness and love.

I need this suffering of yours: all I want of you is prayer and suffering. And then I will give you new light and new serenity; you will rejoice and be strengthened and thus made even more ready to be placed again upon your cross.

Blue Book #79 a-c

Your life as a lay person in the world is hard; and the life around you will be grim, even sordid. But God will give you strength. Everything can be borne between two Masses. Every morning you will eat the bread of the saints, and you will be able to face any kind of day. Your mind and heart will be nourished by the Word of God. The voice of the psalmist and the warm tones of the voice of Christ will give you courage and new hope. Your faith will be renewed. You plunge into the sea of fire that is the Mass and come out burning, ready to go forth and light fires of love, even in the most wretched slums of the city.

Grace in Every Season (April 19)

The world would rather ‘party’ than ever acknowledge our tears, but it’s just at such times that we can turn to another human being that fully understands, and can bring us to the One who can truly transform our tears into joy.

Tears of Our Lady Chaplet

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The Mass: Food for the Journey

You are here in this place where my Son Jesus resides, and where I also am present…

Why have I wanted you up here?

To help you climb your cross, my little one. I will give you great gifts of love and of pain.

Blue Book #78 b-d

The Mass is the food that will keep us on the treadmill of those gray days, chained without chains to the duty of the moment, for love is not a chain.

Infinite is the grace and strength of participation in the Mass. Daily at the dismissal-_ “Go in peace, the Mass is ended”_ we are reminded that the mandate of the Lord is to live his Mass, ours, in the marketplaces of the world! How could we implement this mandate unless he himself was our strength? Has Christ not said, “Without me you can do nothing”? How lavishly he gives us this strength in the Mass giving us himself–the bread of the saints.

Grace in Every Season (April 18)

Great gifts for the journey… but wait… of love and of PAIN? How is pain a gift you might ask. Well, one way is in how it illuminates us to our own sins, errors and attachments.

Sometimes we can drift off so slowly and calmly that it’s barely noticeable until our awareness is brought to it. It’s painful to realize what has happened… but no one can deny that awareness even if painful, is a good thing.

So also the different pain points in our lives. It brings attention to areas that we might have allowed to just drift.

This is where frequent Mass participation comes in, we offer up, and unite these sufferings to His on the Cross and we partake of the Sacraments that bestow grace for true healing and strength to now do as we should… live in love and obedience! It helps us to stop drifting.

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I Surrender!!!

Do not think about yourselves any longer; do not be worried about anything; let yourselves be carried by me, one and all. I need only your trust; I want only your complete abandonment to me.

Blue Book #76 d, e

Charity serves and denies itself constantly, and makes the road smooth for others, while shouldering the hardships oneself, as much as possible.

Charity also knows when to say no.

Grace in Every Season (April 17)

Novena of Abandonment

When we abandon ourselves completely to Jesus, Mary and Joseph, it always leads us to a greater fullness of love for others. They show us how to love like them!

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything!

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Living Out Divine Mercy

In times of anguish, how comforting for the Heart of my Son was this nature, prostrate, as it were, at his feet: the sun with its light, the charming countryside of Galilee with its flowers, with its songs with its warm and golden harvest and the lovely mirror of the great lake.

Everything spoke in harmony, as it were, with the great prayer of my Son Jesus, with his ardent thirst for solitude, with his natural desire of living in the company of his Father.

How many today, on these same shores, live forgetful of God, submerged in a new paganism, and offend Him, ungrateful for this great gift of his.

But here, in these same places, many of my little children love and console Him.

Your presence, my son, should be like an act of reparation. It must therefore be a presence of love and of prayer, a presence of life with me.

Blue Book #75 f-j

We must be Christians who “work out” day by day, hour by hour, the life of Christ from Bethlehem to Gethsemane and the resurrection. All this adds up simply to one little word. We must love.

We must love with our burden of emotions, of miseries, of doubts, confusions, and temptations, because they are the door through which we are going to the Parousia. The door is cruciform, true, but it is bearable if we have the faith that is necessary to accept it as lived this very moment, this very day, in the resurrected Christ.

He is the Christ who is with us at our computers, our laundry, our meals, our darknesses and lights, our little hurts and our big days. It is “with him, in him, and through him” that we are going to know the elusive happiness which escapes all those who do not believe in him.

Grace in Every Season (April 16)

Today is Divine Mercy Sunday, a day set aside for us to receive all that Jesus died to give to us. What He did, He did for all … but we need to be willing to accept it. That’s our part in this great cooperation with Heaven!

In order to receive the great promises of Divine Mercy, we merely need to Confess our sins and receive Holy Communion. Such simple steps for such a life giving gift.

Your presence, my son, should be like an act of reparation. It must therefore be a presence of love and of prayer, a presence of life with me.

Once we have a clean slate and Jesus abiding within us, we are invited to live this great harmony of heaven and earth, very similar to what our first parents experienced living in God’s presence.

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Rejoice in Holy Simplicity

Be only and ever my little child, in need of everything, rejoicing to receive everything from me in all simplicity…

The sun, the sea, nature: all is a gift to you from the Heavenly Father; all is made holy by the presence and the joy of my Son Jesus.

Blue Book #75 c, e

Let us take holy simplicity for a guide. Let us rest on her breast even as a child. Let her guide our steps, our lives, our prayers. Like the blade of grass, let us pierce the dark, wet earth of our fears, and lose fear, secure in simple faith. Like the snow melting under the spring sun, let our thousand imaginary needs melt away, leaving us free from all the gadgets we think we need and yet need not.

Like the spring, let us dance on the golden days of our newfound freedom in God, and go about doing his will in our smallness and joyousness, loving the world and him with a love that asks nothing but to love more.

Grace in Every Season (April 14)